iv. duty calls

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arden & rin's apartment( 8:00 AM )

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arden & rin's apartment
( 8:00 AM )

ARDEN OUTSTRETCHED HER long limbs and yawned, her blurred vision trying to find her phone that was buzzing besides her. "Yes, hello this is Arden Yamasaki." She answered in a husky voice. A girl replied in a way too cheerful voice for 8:00 in the morning.

"Hello Arden! It's Lisa from the audition! We have some good news for you!" Arden jolted up from her bed. It had been about two and a half weeks since the audition, she thought about it everyday, anxiously waiting for a response.

"Yeah, what is it?" Arden made her way to the kitchen to make some tea to hopefully calm her jitters. "You've got the role of Akemi Fukumoto! Congrats!" Arden smiled so wide it felt as though her lips would rip. "R-really! Oh my god! Thank you so much!" She danced around the lightly dimmed kitchen to have a short celebration.

"Oh, but there is one thing I should let you know, hold on let me get the producer to explain this to you." She stopped her celebratory dance and laid her palm on the kitchen table. Arden's eyebrows scrunched up in wonder. What's this producer guy gonna say? She began to get nervous and went over to her warm cup of tea to drink more.

"Hello Arden this is Aiden Clarence, the producer of the film. I have something that I must relay to you on behalf of most of the staff." Arden nodded her head in acknowledgment. "What is it?" She could hear the producer let out a nervous chuckle. "Well you see, you're not exactly famous, and the movie needs a lot more exposure to the public so we made a plan for you and Dylan, all you have to do is fake date him, it's perfect isn't it?" Arden's mouth opened slightly at the thought of dating Dylan O'Brien. "Listen, it'll be great PR stunt for the movie and the two of you can get to know each other better."

She started to reply slowly. "I don't know sir what abo—" The man let out another chuckle. "Dylan? We'll coax him into it."

Arden suddenly remembered the night after she audition, when Rin and her were watching enews, 'exclusive' photos of Dylan and Imogen Grace, his alleged girlfriend were exposed. There were photos of them holding hands, kissing, embracing each other, and just having a good time. "I think he has a girlfriend sir."

There was silence on the other end of the line. "Who? You mean Imogen? I'm sure she was just a hook up Arden, he always does that with girls." Okay then. . . "I'll take your word for it sir. I agree as long as he agrees too." The man let out one last chuckle. "That's great Arden, Lisa'll text you the details of the script and where everything pretty much takes place. Have a good day, bye!" Arden tried to process everything that had just happened. She thought about how she just got the role, how she now had a possible 'boyfriend'. Man, is Rin gonna freak out when I tell her all of this.

She looked at the time on her phone to se that about thirty minutes had passed.  "What should I do now." As soon as she got startled by her phone that began to vibrate in her hand. A notification popped up.

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