Chapter 2

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Stella's POV

It's been two weeks since Calum said we can't be friends and since he has left to Australia for the entire school year. Luke has been my only friend since that day. I also got into the soccer team, the basketball team, and I've been asked to join the music group. Everything was going good until today.

"Hey mom, I'm back from school." I said while putting my backpack and books down. I saw my mom walking into the living room.

"Where have you been for the last two weeks missy!?" My mom angrily said.

"I stayed over at Luke's house and I have after school stuff." I backed up from her.

"What kind of stuff?" She said. My mom has a drinking and drug problem. I always take after school classes and stay home at friends houses so I don't get hurt.

"Basketball, soccer, music, track and field, and I have tests every other day so I study with my friends at their houses." I should of said friend. I only had Luke, no one else.

"Why so much? Don't you want to spend time with your family?!" She took out her belt and slapped it against the wall. She has been drinking, I can tell.

"The principal considered it. She said I'm really good at sports and music." I was scared at this point. If I were to move I would've been dead.

"Do you have any homework today?"

"No I already did it. I just came to visit." I said whilst picking up my stuff.

"I called you a hundred fucking times!" She yelled while slapping me with the belt. She took of a shoe and threw it at my face. I ran to room and picked up a black small bag. I ran out of my room and out of my house. I slammed the door. I took out my phone when I was a long distance from my house. I dialed Luke's number and called. He answered on the third ring.

"Hi Luke. Umm can I come to your house?" I spoke into my phone.

"Sure my parents won't be home until Monday. They went on vacation." He answers back.

"Ok I'm on my way." I hung up the call and walked to Luke's house. Whilst walking Luke's house I saw a familiar face. Was it really him? It's Calum.

"Calum?" I asked walking towards him. He looked at me with a smile.

"Stella?" He answered back. "I thought you went to Australia?" I asked him while walking towards him. He was wearing the same clothes the night he came to Luke's house.

"I was supposed to. After I saw you on Friday I didn't want to lose my best friend. I broke up with Val when I got home. Her family took everything. My ticket, my money, my car, my clothes, my house, my family, and everything. I'm alone." He was crying, I could tell that he had been sobbing for weeks. I got closer to him and gave him a hug. I know he hasn't taken a shower for two weeks, but that's he is still Calum. He did the right thing, but now he is broken. I can't fix him, he will never be the same. "What's in that black bag?" He asked when we stopped hugging and drying his tears.

"Oh nothing. Just some clothes." I lied. I never told Calum everything. I left out many things when I met him. He ripped the bag out of my hand. I tired grabbing it out of his hand, but he was too strong for me. He opened the bag. My secret is now open. I'm empty. My escape is revealed.

"What's this?" He asked picking up my blades and pills. He dropped the bag and pulled up my sweatshirt sleeves. The cuts are still there. They never healed. "Stella! Why!" He yelled at my face. He let me go and grabbed my cheeks. I crying, my eyes were closed. "Why do you?"

"I had no one. No one cares, no one cares about me." I answered still crying into his hands.

"You have me. You have Luke." He was right. I still felt empty. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't feel my body. I fell back.


I was slowly waking up. I saw nine blurry figures. I could see everything now. It was Luke, Calum, and six unknown people. Everything was quiet. I broke the silence by saying, "Where am I? Who's here?"

"Stella it's me, Luke." Everyone else was unknown.

"That's it?" I asked making sure I wasn't just seeing things. I'm still not sure why I'm here.

"No. These are my friends Niall, Michael, Liam, Calum, Louis, and Zayn." Luke introduced. My vision got better and I was able their faces. They were all standing by my bed.

"Where am I?" I asked because no one answered the first time. "The hospital. You fainted yesterday night." Calum informed me.

"I got really worried when weren't at my house 1 hour after you called. Calum called me and told me that you fainted by the gas station. Calum brought you here at one o'clock am. He gave the doctors the black bag you brought with you. Are you okay?" Luke brought me to focus. Why would Calum know about my black bag?

"Yea I'm fine, but how did Calum know about my black bag? Why did you give it to the doctors!" I got louder.

Calum's POV

Niall turned to side and whispered in my ear, "What was in the bag?" No one was aware of what was in the bag. I answered Niall with, "Blades and pills." Niall was surprised and looked at Stella's wrists. Her wrists wore being shown. She wasn't aware of that. Everyone started staring at her wrists.

"Hey guys! Don't be rude, stop staring at her wrists." Luke told everyone in the room. I wasn't staring at her wrists and neither was Luke. Then we looked at the door and saw someone walk in wearing a black AC/DC shirt. He was wearing a black bandana and skinny jeans. He pushed Luke out of the way and looked at Stella.

"Are you okay Stel?" He asked Stella. Who is he? Stella looked at him and was shocked. She moved away from him.

"Get away from me!" She yelled at him. Why is she so scared? She got up and ran to Luke. She put her arms around him and hugged him with her eyes shut.

Stella's POV

Once I saw my ex boyfriend Ashton walk through the door I was horrified. He was the reason why this is all happening. I got up and ran to Luke, I hugged him tightly and shut my eyes closed.

"What's with you?" Ashton asked me and smacked my head. I didn't listen and answer. "Answer me!" He pushed Luke to the wall and grabbed my elbows. My eyes were still closed. He slapped my face, he kept slapping me. I opened my eyes and Luke was going towards Ashton. Luke pushed Ashton to the wall and punched him. I was frozen watching them fight. Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. He was hugging me, I hugged him back. I was crying, every time Ashton is near me I cry. I closed my eyes shut, I blocked everything out. I heard a crack sound, I was sobbing even harder on Niall's chest.


So many things happened in this chapter. Sorry that all my chapters are long it's just that I don't have time for everyday updates or double updates. So I just have long chapters. Please like, comment, and share. I will be adding gifs after each chapter! So after every chapter checl my media! Thanks, Bye!

~ Kat

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