What if I will never have a chance?

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Kara pov.

Alex was right in the right time I realized which part of Alex advice should I follow.

" you being in love with her?"

I heard her voice in my mind and everything made sense to me. On Krypton every person was allowed to love who they want to love. It didn't matter if you're straight, gay, bi or anything else. Also your gender wasn't  that important back on Krypton. I was raised like this. I've known for a long time that I was bisexual but I knew that on Earth it's more complicated than that. I've seen how bisexual people are treated by even the community. I thought it would be easier for me - for an alien- to be straight because it was enough to be a teenage who was an outcast in the high school without being  the strange bisexual girl.

Also it was the first time I fell for my best friend. I didn't want to realize that because I really didn't want to lose her. She was more important for me than risk everything what we have to confess my love for her. It was the first time that I think about her openly, like  being more then my best friend. It's never easy to accept your feeling but right now is the time to do it and told her. I felt like I have nothing to lose anymore since she hate me for not telling her sooner.

'You are different because... because....' I struggled with the words 'Because I love you'

'Really? Really you have to tell it me now? Did you think I will run into your arms and tell you I love you too? I could. Honestly I would do it but I can't trust you anymore. You can't build a relationship without trust in it so you should go now.  You can go how you came here or you can use the balcony since I know your secret.' she said as she looked down on her paperwork and started to work ignoring me being right in front of her.

'Okay then' I said weak and lost. I walked out of her office crying like a kid.

As soon as I left the building I flew away. After an hour alone I felt a similar burning in my veins. Before I could react everything went black.

Lena pov.

As soon as she left my office I told Jess I didn't want to see anybody today and cancel all my meetings for the week. Then I told her she could go home.

I tried to do some paperwork but I couldn't focus so I go to my couch all alone this time with a strong drink to rethink what just happened between two of us. I loved her for almost a year now and I couldn't believe she loved me back but how could I trust her now. I kept thinking about everything we went through together. I remember every time when she stepped into my office with her beautiful smile and said I work to hard and I should have lunch with her. Every hug we shared together meant so much more to me. I felt like home in her arms. I could be in there all day but I had to act like it didn't meant that much so I pulled away sooner than I wanted to. I know my love for her was wrote on my face, all the smile, all the lip bites.

I must fall asleep because the next thing I know is that Alex is right in front of me with a worried look on her face. I saw this look so many times when something happened with her sister or Supergirl but now it meant much more to me aswell.

'Alex what happened?' I asked with a headache but I couldn't care less about it.

'Have you seen Kara?' she asked almost in panic.

'She left couple of hours ago' I said confused 'Why?'

'We can't find her. I think something happened to her. I know she came to you but after that we have no idea where she went.' she was worried so was I 'We tried to track her location but we have no luck with that. Can you help us?'

'Of course' I said without hesitation. I surprised myself to but I still care about her.

'Thank you Lena. Anyway did she told you about you know...' she asked curiously

'Yes she did but I knew it, Lex told me before game night that's why I was off yesterday. Alex can I asked you something? You know Kara better than I do and she told me something else. I just want to know if she really meant it or not.' I was ready to ask her my question when she just finished my sentence.

'If she told me she loved you than that's true' she told me with a small smile.

'What if she is missing because of me? I told her I can't trust her ever again. She was crying as she left my office. Alex, I have never saw her crying. God what did I do?'

I felt my eyes getting wet again but I couldn't help it anymore. I did this to her she was honest with me about why she kept it as a secret. She lost so much already and I made her lost her best friend and maybe her loved one at the same time. I should forgive her. I should hug her when I felt I should. I should tell her how much she meant  to me. What if I will never have a chance to say her all those things?

Alex huged me and let me cry on her shoulder. After 10 minutes I straightened myself up and told her that we should get going to the DEO.

Okay this chapter is a little longer than the rest but I just really wanted to work on this a little more. I know that in most of the countries pride month is over but in here this week is for pride so here is my chapter about struggling with your sexuality. I know it's more about being a bisexual because of Kara but I hope I'll be able to do something like this in the future. So I hope you've liked it.😊
If you're struggling too and you need somebody just write to me.

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