Hey Babe, you're up?

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Kara's pov

I woke up in an empty bed. It wasn't unusual but it still felt wrong somehow.

I smellt in the air and I felt bacon and eggs with toast in it. The last time I felt something like this was at home with Eliza. I got up and headed to the kitchen.

'Hey babe, you're up?' Lena asked me with a huge smile on her beautiful face.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard my new nickname. I couldn't believe we were here. Standing in my apartment after she slept in my bed for the first time. If someone would told me a month ago that I'll be happy with her and kissing her all day I would laugh at them. Rao I love her so much. When I thought about this I got an idea.

'Yeah I woke up an amazing smell.' I kissed her cheek and I hold her from behind.
'Lena I have a question but I don't want to rush anything....' I got nervous 'You were next to me for so long. I'm not speaking about the last week, I'm speaking about the last 3 years when you took care of me no matter what. You mean a lot to me. I just wanted to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend.'

She turned around and looked me in the eye. She was smiling at me so hard and her eyes were smiling as well.

'Kara... Of course I would like to be your girlfriend. I would like to be with you since I saw you the first time in my office.'

She put her hands on my hips and pulled me close. I felt her lips on mine. It was gentle at first but then she licked my lower lip to ask for entrance which I was glad to gave her. It felt so good and right. The time has stopped as the kiss got even more heated. I felt so close to her, closer than anybody before.
We had to broke apart to breathe.

'I love you so much' I told her as we put our foreheads to each other's to be as close as possible even when we breathe.

'I love you too' she smiled at me.

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