Willy Wonka's Security Measures

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The burglar snuck over the gate and took a long walk toward the factory. He stopped, looked up, grinned, and started walking again. He tried the door, amazingly, it was open. He then walked in as stealthily as he could. He started hearing whispers, so he ducked behind the first thing he saw.

"Heheheh..." He heard laughter behind him. Almost as if it was straight in his ear. He jumped away and started running towards the small hallway. He opened the door and plopped on the platform before the stairs. He slowly got back up and saw a shadow at the other side of the huge room. He just stood there, unsure what to do. Finally, he saw the shadow lift a long rod behind its back and firmly place it into the candy grass. It then cocked its head and waited.

The burglar just slowly stepped back and as soon as he did, the shadow turned around abruptly and left the room. He waited awhile and walked forward. His foot finally met the soft sweet grass underneath, and the smell of chocolate was ripe in the air. He walked forward more and finally got to the door exactly where the shadow was.

Suddenly, he heard a boom and then an energy like sound from behind him. He turned around as quickly as he could. He froze. There was a shadow at the other end of the room. It stared at him. It held a rod in its hand and it cocked its head the entire time. The burglar, wide eyed, ran towards a boat like shape and fell inside it. He heard deep laughter from the shadow and heard it say "Enjoy the ride..." He then started moving, questioned how, and splashed down a long dark tunnel.

At that moment, horrid images appeared. Eyeballs, monsters, blood, murder. He closed his eyes, but he could still feel the light flood his eyelids, and he still saw them. Unbelievably, the images got worse and worse, until finally, they stopped. In fact, everything stopped. The boat, the images, everything. He felt himself get pushed off the boat and a growl from behind him. Without looking, he ran as fast as he could, not wanting to steal anything anymore, not caring about theft. He didnt care if Slugworth wanted the gobstopper, he just wanted out. He ran, tripped over the inventions of the factory, got back up, ran through an open door, ran past a room that sounded like had geese in it. He ran past a huge isolated room, with almost nothing in it but a lone static tv. He finally came to a long hallway and stairs. He made it to the stairs. He then heard a song play from behind.

"Ooompa. Looompa. Doopity doo.... have I got a surprise for you... Ooompa. Looompa. Doopity deee... if you want to live, you'll listen to ME. What do you get when you steal and steal? A feeling of dread and a wish this isnt real... What were you thinking burgling this factory? Did you think Willy Wonka didn't have security? Well, you were wrong... Ooompa... Looompa... doopity dah.... you are going way too far.... Change your life, before it's too late. Or you will have a horrible fate! *jingle* HORRIBLE FATE..." Everything was going miserably slow. It was horrid. Orange men. They looked like demons. Little gremlins, they started walking towards him.

He sprinted as fast as he could, skipping 2 or 3 stairs going down, ran out the doorway, strangely open. He didnt care, he just sprinted straight out of there. When the burglar was gone, Willy Wonka showed up at the window above the doorway he came out of. "And dont come back, you miserable creature!" He smiled, satisfied and heard Charlie walk up behind him. "Mr. Wonka, do you think we scared him enough?" Wonka looked at Charlie. "As sure as the ducks lay the golden eggs for easter." He hugged Charlie with warm embrace and walked way from the window.

The End.

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory Security MeasuresWhere stories live. Discover now