Chapter 2

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Hermione POV:
I kept apologizing to Draco, I didn't mean to punch him in the nose. He kept telling me it was fine, but his nose was bleeding and he still gave me his shirt, hoodie, and some sweatpants.
"What happened to you two." Ginny said.
George started laughing. "You should've saw it Gin. Hermione's on her period and Draco went to wake her up." George was basically falling out of his seat.
"Did you punch him in the nose!" Ginny gasped.
"She did it to me once Malfoy." Harry shook his head. "Now I just let her sleep or get something to poke her with."
I sat there mad at them all. Draco nudged my arm. "I'll pay you 10 galleons to punch George in the nose." He whispered.
I gasped and playfully hit him. "No way!"
Ginny looked at us and smiled, then she turned to Harry. "We did this for a while."
Harry spit his water out. "Hermione why don't you come sit with me." Harry said with wide eyes.
I turned to Draco. "Want to do something funny?" I whispered.
"Way ahead of you." Draco pulled me up onto the table and kissed me.
The Great Hall was filled with gasps. Harry stood up and Ginny pulled him down. We stopped kissing and I stared into Draco's silver eyes. He pulled me by the waist and kissed me again. We stopped again and everyone looked at us. I could feel the blush rushing to my cheeks and I saw Draco rub his neck.
We sat down and Draco just kept staring at me. George punched Draco in the arm. "Not again Malfoy!"
Draco POV:
We were on the train to Hogesmade when I remembered Hermione's birthday. I turned and saw her hazelnut eyes and flawless face. She had taken my hoodie off and wrapped it around her waist, my shirt was low cut and Hermione kept pulling it up, she changed out of the sweatpants I gave her into ripped jeans, she had black heeled boots, and to top it off she had her hair straightened and hanging over her shoulders.
"Hermione what do you want for your birthday?" I finally asked.
"Well knowing you." Hermione said. "You'll get something expensive. So don't! I really don't have anything in mind."
I looked at Harry and he shrugged. "You are so different." I mumbled.
"I heard that yet again." Hermione said.
"Most girls always want something expensive." I said.
"Well most girls don't see the true you." Hermione said before bopping me on the nose.
Harry and George sat there with their mouths dropped. Ginny had a big smile on her face. We all sat there in silence until Ginny spoke up.
"Why don't you boys hang out." Ginny looked at us weird. "And Hermione And I will shop."
George and Harry nodded at this.
"Gin." Hermione said turning to look at her. "They are going to hex Draco into oblivion."
"No they won't!" Ginny said looking at George and Harry. "If they do we may have to plan three funerals!"
Both the boys sat there frightened. I quickly peered over Hermione's shoulder to 'read the book'.
"Hermione why don't you go without me, I'll catch up." Ginny said.
Ginny waited for Hermione to leave and looked at us. "You two are helping Draco find a gift." Ginny told Harry and George. "Draco you buy one gift without them, and one gift with."
"What if I buy more?" I asked.
"Sure." Ginny said.
"Don't tell Hermione!" Ginny said taking one more glare at us. "Bye. Don't hex each other."
Hermione POV:
Ginny came and we walked around. She kept talking about how she knew I liked Draco all along.
"You've liked him since fifth year!" Ginny said.
"Did not!" I screamed.
I felt the blush rush to my face and wished I wore makeup. "See you're blushing." Ginny said.
We eventually sat on a bench and talked about things we wish we could remove from our memories. I said the war, Ron, and my parents deaths.
Ginny told me I could always stay at the burrow, but I reminded her Ron lived there.
"Hermione Jean Granger!" Ginny said, obvious another one of her speeches. "My stupid brother did not and does not deserve you. Just because you respect yourself does not mean you are in the wrong. Like I said before he can commit the killing curse on himself!"
I looked at Ginny, she looked mad and had her wand ready. She stomped off to red hair. "Ronald Weasley!" She shouted.
"If this-" Ginny cut him off.
"You had no right breaking up with Hermione! She was the best person in your life. I hear by declare you not my brother!" Ginny stomped off.
I turned to Ron, mouthed sorry, and chased after Ginny.
"Let's just stay on the train." Ginny said.
Draco POV:
Thank you guys for helping, the necklace is beautiful.
"No problem, What did you buy?" George asked.
"Well the clothes you shouldn't see." I replied. "But!" I pulled out a black box and showed them the ring. It was a golden snake with emeralds and diamonds, it would tell me when she was in trouble.
They both looked at me. "How much did this cost?" Harry asked.
I looked at him. "9000 galleons." They both looked at me like I was crazy.
"Let's go back to the train." I'll put these in your room George." I said. With a flick of my wand the presents were gone.
"Let's head to the train."
When we got on we were laughing and Ginny looked at us. "Finally getting along?"
"Somewhat." Harry said.
Hermione was reading and I sat down next to her. "Hello 'Lion Princess'." I said.
"Hello 'Snake Prince'." She said with a smile.
George pretended to gag and Ginny shot him a scary look. Hermione closed her book and looked out the window.
"What a pretty look." Hermione said with a sigh.
Hermione got up and put her book away. "What did you get me for my birthday?" Hermione said with a smile.
"You'll have to wait until next week." I said. "Besides I'm still planning everything."
Ginny looked at me and motioned me to the door. "What did you get her?" She whispered.
I told her about the ring and the necklace George and Harry helped me find. The necklace was a gold chain and rubies to represent Gryffindor. Ginny absolutely adored the jewelry. I didn't tell her about the clothes.
Hermione POV:
Harry and George kept whispering to each other, but when I asked what they were talking about they stopped. Kinda strange.
Ginny and Draco were also whispering. I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up.
"Can we all have a normal conversation and let Hermione listen!" I screamed.
They all sat down and apologized. "Can I have a hint of what to suspect?" I asked calmly.
"Sure thing Draco spent a lot on it." George said.
Harry got him on the back of the head. "George!" He said.
"Sorry." George said rubbing his head. "She asked for a hint."
Draco looked at me and smiled. "How much." I sighed.
"That is for me to know." He said with a smile.
"Dork." I said.
"Hey!" Draco said. "I am offended." He said mockingly.
"I'm sorry my Snake Prince." I booped him on the nose and got off the train.
Draco POV:
She called me hers. Maybe just a mistake, but it felt good.
"Someone is blushing." Ginny said.
I could see Harry and George glaring at me. "I'll go." I said. I saw Hermione's book and grabbed it.
"Hey Hermione!" I said trying to catch up. "Here's your book." I rubbed my neck.
"My hero." She said mockingly.
Hermione rubbed my arm before leaving. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hello Draco!"
"Hello Blaise." I responded.
"Wow you remember my name, but can't remember to invite me anywhere." Blaise replied. "I saw you at the jewelry store. Anyone special?"
"Yes. She brings the light to my dark soul." I said.
"Is this maybe the Gryffindor you share a house with?" Blaise said with a smile. "Don't worry my lips are sealed. All guys want her."
"How'd you know?" I asked turning to his.
"You guys are all lovey dovey." He responded.
I looked at Blaise. "Really?" I asked.
"Really." He responded. "I got to go everyone at Slytherin is betting you two won't date."

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