in advance, sorry Roxie

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     She looked out the window, admiring the billions of stars hanging above the Earth. The color of the sky was a beautiful navy blue blended with a pastel orange near the bottom, topped with little specks of light. Roxie heard someone creep up behind her, but before she turned her head to look, she was being hugged from behind. "Hey." She said. Belle didn't say anything, but she smiled. A small, content smile. "You ready for bed yet?" Belle asked, "I'm lonelyyyyyy~" Roxie chuckled nervously. The gamer girl bath water she prayed to earlier suddenly didn't seem like enough. "Yeah." Roxie replied at last, "Let's go."
     "Wait." Belle said, then she held Roxie's face in her hands, and kissed her. After a full minute, she let go. "You smelled like chlorine, I was going to see if you tasted like it too." They laughed quietly and walked together, holding hands, to bed.

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