again, sorry roxie

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     The sunlight streamed in through the blinds. A ray, a perfect straight line of light, blanketed Roxie's eyes. She opened her eyes, blinked, and opened them again. She found herself clinging to Belle. She let go, hesitantly. Quietly she got up to go get dressed.
   Belle woke up about an hour later. She sat up looking for Roxie, that's when she discovered a posted note on the nightstand.
   To my Belle, by the time you wake up I will be at work. I'll see you this evening~ <3
    She smiled and set the note back down, then she got up and headed downstairs.
     She was surprised to see Roxie still downstairs, she was sitting calmly on the couch. "What are you still doing here? I thought you had work!" Belle explained. "I guess I'll be late." Roxie replied, she approached Belle and kneeled down. "I was wondering if, Belle Delphine, will you marry me?"
     Belle was taken aback. Tears of joy in both of their eyes reflected the light. "Yes!" She exclaimed. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She darted into Roxie's arms, hugging and crying and loving and being loved. "Yes, Roxie, I will marry you."

Roxie's gonna fucking kill me. XD

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