Paradise Over Demise

21 1 4


You are my light in the darkness


A lonely demon walked along the narrow path in a dead silent forest. The lovely tune of the song she hummed echoed throughout the area, a peaceful, calm, serene area it became. The tune drew animals out of their holes and plants got greener. The sun shone through the leaves of the trees, illuminating her pale skin along with her long white hair. Her dazzling blue eyes remained focused on her target, the male at the end of the way.

"If you were to see me now, you would be proud.." She sang softly, a small smile brightening up her slightly dead features. "Oh sweet lady of the forest, I thank you for life.." the sweet melody came to an end as she stopped in front of the male, the wind blowing her short white dress slightly.

The male looked down at her, a small smirk playing on his lips as his bloody red eyes focused on the petite figure before him. His hand gently trailed to her cheek, caressing it with his thumb. He stayed silent, enjoying the moment of peace and serenity that he wished lasted a lifetime. The wind blew his pitch black hair over his eyes and the scarf he wore slightly shifted in the cross breeze.

"Must you always sing that song when we come here, Millicent." he asked in his low, husky voice that sent chills down any woman's back.

The girl, he called Millicent, shrugged. "I told you, my mother used to being me here when I was younger." A slight blush decorated her cheeks as she looked at him. "Chira, you're too observant." She giggled.

Chira raised a brow. "Is that bad?" He chuckled before pressing his lips gently against her forehead.

"Maybe." Millicent smiled, brushing her hair away from her face. Her eyes glittered in the sunlight as they stared into Chira's dark, dull red orbs.

Chira then looked away from her, glancing to the sky. "If only this place was still here though." He muttered then Millicent slowly put her head down, replying with a nod.

The wind blew and all the trees vanished, all flowers, animals and every single living thing in the forest was gone. Scorch marks on the ground replaced the trees which were once full in bloom with Sakura blossoms.

A sigh left the older demon's lips, turning to the castle. "The war should begin in two days.. Are you ready Milli?" He asked his slave, glancing at the white haired.

Millicent nodded, raising her head to the sky. "I'm more ready than I should be..."

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