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Before we start, can we please just acknowledge how lucky Daisy is to be dating/traveling with this sexy ass piece of perfection?

Before we start, can we please just acknowledge how lucky Daisy is to be dating/traveling with this sexy ass piece of perfection?

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Ugh! 😍❤️😩 Carry on...



"It's good to see you, Michael." His deep voice shook me to my core, only because I knew the evil intent that sat behind the smooth, charming facade.

I frowned at not only the sight of Daisy sitting up under him, but also the look of victory plastered across Clark's face.

I couldn't find myself to respond to him, so I just stared, and if looks could kill, Clark would be gutted by now.

"Daisy..." I mumbled, causing a small gasp to leave Daisy's lips as she snapped out of whatever trance Clark had put her in. She looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows as I reached out my hand to her, motioning for her to bring her ass over to me.

I watched as Daisy contemplated, but smartly, yet slowly, arose from the position she held under that... devil.

"Woah, my little flower." Clark reached out, gently grabbing Daisy's wrist stopping her in her tracks. "Don't be stupid. You do need my help, remember? Criminal." He deeply chuckled at his sick joke, making Daisy frown.

"That's not funny." She mumbled as her eyes averted to the old wooden floorboards beneath us.

"You're right. I'm sorry... this is serious." He stood up, still holding onto Daisy's wrist. "Let's talk business, shall we?"

"Please." I mumbled, wishing I could somehow fast forward time to where Daisy and I are back on the rode, living our lives as we were... free.

"I need you to understand something." I watched him look Daisy deeply into her eyes with a look on sincerity that I sarcastically scoffed at. "I'm doing this for you." He furrowed his eyebrows as he spoke, damn near snapping his neck at the sound of my voice.

"Why?" I blurted out without even thinking first.

"Why?" He repeated as they both looked at me. Daisy with a worried expression and Clark with an amused expression. That same amused expression I'd seen many times before.

"Yeah... why?" I stood my ground.

"Because... just like I always have, I'm looking out her." He looked at her, giving her a small smile.

Tyrant - Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now