I found him. He had his black earphones pushed into his ears as his perfect face sat next to a tree. The taste of fresh air was cool, seeing as I didn't get a chance to go outside all day. It was better than being stuck in a hot building full of sweaty jocks and cute little "I'm too sexy to be your gf" girls.
My steps grew smaller and smaller as I gradually become closer to where he sat cross legged.
"Hey Josh?"
He completely ignored me and acted like I was invisible. I practically was.
I repeated, "Hey Josh?"
"God, what?" He shouted, ripping his ear phones like a voracious lion.
"I'm sorry I treated you that way... before," I faded off like a car in fog.
He sighed and offered me to sit with him, as he patted the grass.
"Isabelle, right?"
I nodded.
He stared at my black scarf and laid his eyes upon me, "We shouldn't be friends."
"You really should've thought of that before," I stood up quickly flicking dry grass on him.
I turned my phone on and three messages were sent from Sasha.
🌸 Sasha 🌸 (sent at 3:18pm): Remember to call xx
🌸 Sasha 🌸 (sent at 3:21pm): WHERE ARE YOU IZY?
🌸 Sasha 🌸 (sent at 3:22pm): SO I HAVE TO HUNT YOU DOWN?!?! 👹 I know you hate that face!!
I quickly called, hoping she wouldn't be angry at me.
"Hey Izy, thought you were never going to call."
"I'm only 3 minutes late."
"Still." She confirmed.
"So what are we doing?"
"Meet you at my place at 4 and you can leave at 5:30. Okay?"
She had already hung up before I could say anything else.
I knocked softly on her front door picturing her happy face when she would see me.
A warm hug squished my body. I wrapped my cold arms around her so tight; resting my head on her shoulder. I felt so complete.
"I've missed you so much," she laughed as we climbed the carpet stairs.
"Hey," shouted two recognizable voices of her parents downstairs. It smelt like they were baking chocolate chips cookies.
I walked excitedly linking her arms with mine, "I've missed you too. But it's only been like a day."
Our faces turned red and I could feel my warm blood and tears start to build up.
When I arrived at the door, I jumped on her massive bed with dozens of fluffy pillows. I laid face down almost falling asleep when Sasha tackled me off the bed.
I stood up trying to untangle my knotty hair and took a seat on her green been bag. I stared at all the crazy pictures of her friends she hung up on her walls. Her bed was close to a big window overlooking her pool and beside it was a white bedside table. On the wall furthest from the door was a brown couch which smelt like lavender, a white cupboard with a glassy mirror hiding all her fabulous clothes, and next to it stood a cute desk with pencils neatly stacked. My been bag was in the corner near the door, but above me hung a Sony TV as wide as my arm span.
She asked me loads of questions about how school was and what I did, who where my friends, cute guys. I told her that school was different and more refreshing, the lockers were squishy and I haven't made any friends. Yet. I told her about Josh and what he did to me I English. She said it's the beginning of a new relationship.
"Ok enough of this," Sasha smiled, "Selfie."
We laughed and pulled faces at her iPhone. She checked the picture. Her long blonde hair covered her ears and she held her hand over her mouth like she didn't want to speak. Her gorgeous blue eyes sparkled and her face was perfect (because of the make up).
I poked my tongue at the camera throwing a peace sign. My black hair was crazy and all over my make up on my face. My denim skirt and blue shirt stood out on her white wall.
She quickly edited the picture as I watched her long fingers tap on the screen. Then captioned the photo with; "Reuniting 😁❤" and sent it to instagram.
At home, Mama was boiling potatoes and soup.
"How was your day?"
I sat at the table and looked at the hot stove, "Well it's big, and I have a nice locker, but I don't know about the bus. It smells like bubblegum, haha!"
Mama didn't laugh, but she almost spilt boiling water on her dress.
Dinner was awkward. She stared at her plate. I couldn't help but asking her a question, "Mama? Why are you sad?"
"Am I sad? I'm just tired."
"You look more sad than tired. I know it's been a month. It's not that bad. Mama, what's wrong?"
"Nothing!" She started to yell; her eyes burning like the hot oven.
I ate my squishy potato as fast as jocks. I was afraid that she would start to yell at me more. I wanted to have a warm shower and go to bed.
I sank into my warm bed. Toothpaste was stuck in my teeth, but I wasn't upset about that. 'A month!' I silently screamed in my head. I could never feel the pain Mama went through, but my pain was just a slight weaker than hers.
I rolled over lying on my stomach and curled up into a tight ball. 'A month!' I screamed again.
'A night to remember:
The garage closed shut as Mama and I laughed at all the money we had spent on shopping. She stuffed pink and white bags in her gentle hands and carried them to the door. She looked back at me and smiled. Her face was so pure. Her short black hair sat above her shoulder as usual.
The house was pith black. I noticed a small streak of faint light pierce through the hallway. I dropped my bags on the kitchen bench as Mama happily switched the lights on and unraveled what we had bought.
"Ahuh, a chocolate just for you,"she handed me a small love heart shaped chocolate.
I laughed and thanked her. I could smell the rich mouth watering food enter my mouth. I kept the chocolate for later. I was already full.
"Did you hear that?" Mama's eyes immediately turned into shock. Her face was still and she didn't dare move a muscle.
My heart started to pump fast, "Mama, what are you talking about?"
She smirked a half smirk and kept on placing small white cups nosily in the cup board. She walked closer to the darkness and held her head in front of her small body.
I asked her what she was doing. "I hear something," she walked closer to the small streak of light.
I jumped off my chair hitting he ground with a thump. The house vibrated and I quickly ran and linked arms with Mama.
My mouth was going dry and my heart raced so fast, which was why I remember it all to well. We both held out breathe and stood dead still at the foot of her room door... '

Too young to notice
Teen Fiction"No! Don't do it! No!" She shouted so loud her veins could've popped out. The cold tears started to slide across my cheeks. "Too you to notice Too young to die To young to let The world break you inside." West-Valley High is a thrilling dream schoo...