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jisoo, lisa, and rosé all stood outside the room, feeling anxious as they waited for the results. lisa paced around while nervously chewing on her fingernails until a thought dawned on her.

"eonnie..." jisoo turned to the younger and shot her a confused look.

" shouldn't we atleast tell jungkook about what's happening?" lisa suggested.

" what?! lisa, do you even hear what you're saying? there's no way in hell i'm letting that bastard see jennie." jisoo snapped at the maknae.

lisa looked away with a guilty expression and as she was about to apologize, rosé quickly went to defend her.

"no...eonnie, lisa might have a point. you've seen the way jungkook looked at jennie before he started dating tzuyu! any person could tell that they were both in love with each other. "

jisoo pondered for a while before sighing, she knew the two girls were right and besides, it was better for him to know about jennie's condition.

she reached for her cellphone and put in jungkook's number before pressing 'call'.


jungkook and tzuyu were on a date and frankly, jungkook was bored out of his mind. tzuyu was just dragging him around the mall, forcing him to buy stuff for her.

it continued like that until jungkook's phone began to ring. he fished it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

although confused on why jisoo would be calling him, he answered it.


"no time to explain, jennie's dying of hanahaki and it's because of you."

" what?! where is she now?!"

" she's at XXX hospital."

jungkook ended the call and dropped the millions of shopping bags he was carrying.

"babe? what are---?!" tzuyu stated before jungkook threw her a glare.

"we're over." and with that, jungkook ran off.


jungkook hurried to the front desk and looked at the woman working there.

"where's kim jennie?" he asked.

"at room 308." jungkook immediately bolted after the woman responded.

arriving at the door, he saw jisoo and the others outside. he looked at the door and reached for the handle but it already opened, revealing the doctor.

"and who might you be?" the doctor asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"please...let me in. i'm the reason jennie has hanahaki and i want to fix it." jungkook pleaded and the doctor stepped aside before closing the door, giving them privacy.

jungkook walked over to the unconscious jennie before reaching for her hand.

"hey...i hope you can hear me..." his voice started to shake.

" i know, i know. i'm an asshole but i just really wanted to see you. i wanted to say that i---" jungkook choked back a sob.

" i'm sorry... i was stupid for going to tzuyu. i'm sorry i didn't notice that i was causing you pain. i'm sorry that i couldn't--- i couldn't---"

jungkook hadn't noticed that jennie's hand had twitched.

" i'm sorry that i couldn't bring myself to say i love you." jungkook stood up and leant down to jennie's face.

he stared at her pale face before planting a soft kiss on her cold lips. softly, he whispered,

"i love you."

"took you long enough." jungkook's eyes widened before jennie leapt up and embraced him.

snapping out of his shock, he hugged her back tightly as if she would leave his grasp. when jennie pulled away, he started to pepper her face with kisses while muttering "i'm sorry."

"jungkook!" jennie squealed before jungkook moved away from her and smiled at her lovingly.

"i love you." jungkook said, once again.

"love you too..." jennie smiled.

"i really am sorry..."

"i forgive you, you dork."


moments later, jennie was discharged from the hospital and she left happily while clutching jungkook's hand.

"i don't get it." jennie's brows furrowed at jungkook's statement before she let out a 'huh?'.

"when did all of this happen?" jennie smiled softly at jungkook.

"you looked at me and i could feel all the flowers blooming in my chest and slowly killing me"


Goldenjendukookie101 YA HAPPY?!

anyways, thank you for all the support you've given this book but sadly, it must come to an end.

i hope you all have a good day! BYE~~

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