| 3 | > insanity is coming for you

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Chapter 3
Insanity is coming for you

Chapter 3Insanity is coming for you

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Dear Diary,
It has been a week after Trevor once my boyfriend and best friend broke up with me when he met his human mate, Cara. He still visits me while I'm in hiding, I ask him about her all the time. Does she feel their connection? Are they dating already or is he taking things slow? The basic questions you would ask a werewolf about their mate.

The difficulty with werewolves when they find out they have a human mate is that the werewolves have to take things slow and control their inner wolves for their mate.
Trevor would always say how tempted he was to hug and be affectionate with Cara, but he didn't want to push anything.

I had mixed feelings of Trevor and Cara's relationship, I feel bad for him having to restrain himself to make sure Cara is happy, but I also feel happy for him even though I still feel that familiar ache in my chest from Trevor breaking up with me and that incident with Prince Rhydian.

I try not to think about what happened with that dickhead in the library in the mansion, but every time I get to relax the nightmare comes back to haunt me. I never did tell my family and Trevor, I figured they would pity me.

My wolf, Eclipse, doesn't talk to me much since the scenario at the pack ball two years ago. Now I'm going to be eighteen in a few days, eventually when I'm twenty one years old I won't have to hide from the game anymore because the game requires the competitors to be sixteen through twenty.

I feel like a bird that's being protected in a cage away from the cunning cat that knows the bird is in the cage, it's just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

My parents hardly have anyone outside the household in even for a glimpse of the place. I feel guilty that they barely have a life because of me.

I sometimes have dreams of Prince Rhydian, where we'd be happy and he would accept me.
But I know that will never happen despite my grandmama's optimism.

I will wait in the attic for my untimely end that seems like it will take years, maybe even centuries until the thought of it would eventually drive me mad like some rabid dog.

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