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a/n- I already have my names picked out so I'm sorry that I didn't let you guys choose but I hope you guys are happy with what I've picked. Also werewolves and dogs...how do you think they are gonna react? Comment below how you think they are gonna react together in the future.


"Okay I know what I'm gonna name these lovelies," I said as I gave them a small pet on their head. I sat back down and leaned against the couch as I pointed to each of them as I gave their names. "The Black German Shepard will be named Shadow," I said then saw him come up to me and rest his head on my lap "I can already tell he's my emotional support dog." He stuck out his tongue slightly making me giggle but he lifted his head and layed down next to me on the ground. "The White German Shepard I've decided on Lightning because he seems like a fast and powerful dog. Also sometimes lightning bolts are white." I saw him get up and look around and focusing on the doors notifying me his job "thank you now I know Lightning is one of my guard dogs." 

I looked to the Husky and smiled as I said: "you girly now your name is Scout." She got up and wagged her tail at me as she layed next to Shadow. "So scout is also an emotional support dog-like Shadow." I looked at the Rottweiler and said "I already know you're a guard dog because you're bred to be. So your name will be Axel and I know it sounds boyish but Axel seems to fit you the best." She got up and went over to Lightning and sat next to him. I looked to the Black Lab and smiled "Midnight" she got up and walked over to me as she rested her head on my lap. I smiled as I patted her head. "I can tell she is just made to be a normal dog, she will be both my guard and emotional support dog. Although mainly she will just be my friend, my family, and my pet." I said as a tear slid down my face as she got onto her hind legs and gave me a lick to my face. I kissed her head softly as she got off and I got up and announced "time for the long tour!"

{After the tour}

[1 hour and 30 minutes later]

The last room that was on the list was my room so I opened the door and they all walked in. It was like a school of kids flooding into the cafeteria but slower than a run. I smiled at the dogs as I saw them sniff everything and soon they all walked into my closet to sniff my clothing and accessories. After a few minutes, they walked out so I shut the door to my bedroom after they left. We all went downstairs and there was another knock at the door so I went to the door and Lightning and Axel was standing on either side of me starring at the door. I opened it to see people holding bags filled with what smelled like food. "Please come in, let me show you to the kitchen," I told them as I knew they were the food delivery people Duke told me about. I led them to the kitchen and they brought in all 30 bags and helped me put away the food. "Beautiful house you have miss Igniter." I heard the lady tell me as she was finishing putting away things in the cupboards. "Thank you," I noticed that Duke also bought silverware and plates as well as cups and things like that. 

{After putting away everything}

"Thank you for helping me it would have taken me hours to put it all away." I told them as I signed a paper and waved them goodbye as the lady responded: "it was no problem at all miss!" I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen to see Duke on the phone with somebody then hang up moments after I enter the room. He turned to me and sat at the island on a stool as he said: "I'm leaving tomorrow I can't stay here any longer than I have." I frowned and felt my eyes start to burn as my vision gets blurred slightly. "H-Hey...Ash, you have my number you can call me for whatever you need. A late-night call, a call to tell me about your day, if you have a problem, or if you met some new friends. So don't worry also I will be giving you daily calls one in the morning and once at night and slowly move them to just one call okay?" I nodded as I hugged him and let some tears fall and they got his shirt a little wet. He let go of me and went back to the stool and sat down as he said: "do you wanna cook lunch or shall I?" I giggled and shook my head but as I turned I felt something against my leg and looked down to see Scout. I pet her head and showed I was okay before I went to wash my hands and start cooking. 

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