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a/n- Hey guys I hope you liked the previous chapter! I tried to make it a bit steamy, one because of why not, and two. You guys had to wait basically a year or so to see another chapter. To be honest it's only been a few months lol. Also, I'm changing the movie a bit. This chapter is also a bit slightly steamy so...


{You arrive}

Jakie lets go of my waist as I parked by the other cars in the driveway. Well more like grass patch. I get off and go to the front door walking in. Emily glances up from the stove to look at me and gives me a gentle smile as I go over to help her. She gave me a quick hug before continuing to cook. I watched for a bit to see what she was making before I helped. I could hear Jacob laughing outside with the pack. I smiled to myself as I started to talk with Emily to see what's been happening. 

{We finish}

I set the plate of sandwiches onto the table before I hear a name being called "Bella?" I go outside to see what was happening and saw the pack coming out of the woods with Bella in front of them. I go over to them standing next to Sam as Jared tells me Jacob is in the woods. "Bella-" she cut me off by punching Paul in the face causing anger to flood my veins almost instantly. I could feel my body start to shake as a soft gasp came from behind me. Soon Sam had to change into his wolf form as Paul shifted. Sam and Paul soon tackled each other and rolled into the forest destroying an outdoor table in the process. I could only feel my veins start to boil as if I was in a really hot, hot tub. Soon Jacob came out of the woods just as my vision became foggy and I fell to the ground, thankfully I was caught by Seth.

Jacob rushed to my side, completely ignoring the shocked Bella. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me into his body as my face rested on his chest. "Jacob what are you doing?!" I heard somebody ask as they continued "if she's a shifter, she could shift and possibly kill you!" My body soon started to calm down once I was in his arms. I weakly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling my body closer to his if that's possible. "Eyes up here" he growled and I felt his hands slide down to my ass as if to cover it causing me to giggle softly. I felt movement assuming he got up and he commented: "somebody bring Bella in." I did a soft whine as if I was a dog and his grip tightened on me slightly. Although I could feel myself blacking out. 

{3 hours pass}

I can feel a sharp pain spread throughout my body causing me to gasp and open my eyes. I'm breathing heavily as if I was being suffocated. I blink a few times to let my eyes adjust to the light, I notice I'm in a bedroom but not mine. I glance at the nightstand to see a picture of Emily and Sam holding each other. I sit up and turn to the side letting my feet dangle off the edge now realizing I am basically the size of a child. I hear footsteps rushing upstairs and loud noises as if things were pushed over because they blocked their pathway. 

Soon the door busted open to reveal Jacob, Paul, Seth, and Emily in the doorway. Everyone else was behind them but my eyes were locked with Jacob. His face held worry, fear, concern, and surprisingly anger. He rushed over and practically pounded on me having me lay back as he hovers over my body. His left hand gripped my waist as his right hand held himself up. He leaned down and connected our lips before I could even talk. He kissed me as if he was scared I wasn't even there and I was just his imagination. 

I heard somebody clear their throat followed by a grunt as if they got hit. Then I heard shuffling as the footsteps retreated down the stairs. Although I heard a faint "they better not fuck on our bed, Emily." I could only assume that was Sam causing me to blush lightly. He pulled back slightly glancing down at me as his eyes trail over my face. "A-Are you hurt? Are you okay?" He asked me as he sat up but pulled me into his lap. "Why not play a little trick on them," I asked him as I bit my lip which only caused a light pink to appear on his cheeks. As well as a low groan to escape his lips and laid me down going over me. He mumbled in my ear "might as well make them real." 


He grabbed my thighs and kissed me gently before spreading my legs. I blushed more now realizing what he is gonna do. I trusted him so of course, I let him continue. He slid his hands down my thighs to my waist pushing my crop top up a bit. He grabbed me as if to hold me in place and started to grind into me. I gasped as he smirked biting his bottom lip slightly at my reaction. He continued to press himself into me going gently but at a good pace. I suddenly moaned from his action and his eyes widened at this but soon he leaned down to my neck. He started to kiss my skin like earlier and suck on some spots. 

His mouth found my sweet spot by my collar bone causing me to moan loudly. He only groaned after I moaned. He continued to give me kisses around my sweet spot, nibbling from time to time. "J-Jakie" I moaned out only causing him to bite down harder causing me to gasp. I decided to try out the name that floated into my mind when he bit down. "Daddy" this caused his body to freeze for a moment as if he was paralyzed. I feel as though I crossed a line causing me to pout slightly but soon I felt him move his hands up my body as he grinded harder into me. 

He was suddenly groaning loudly and I felt his tongue over the markings he left on me. His moving became shaky as he quickened his grinding. I could feel something hardening at each touch between our bodies. He did a long groan as he paused against me. I did the last moan as he shakily got up from the bed. "J-Jakie?" I asked as he grabbed my hands pulling me to my feet as he pecked my lips. "You are 100x sexier than normal now," he said in a low voice causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Let's go, baby girl," he said as he let me leave first. I blushed deeply at the nickname he gave me and I swear I look like a tomato.

I went down the steps to see smirks plastered on all the males except for Sam he just had a slightly annoyed expression. "Emily, Leah" I stated causing them to stop smirking and come over to me. I commented, "let me explain to you two what happened." So I led them outside away from everyone else just as Jacob came downstairs. He winked at me causing me to blush as we went near the forest edge and I explained to them what actually went down. As well as why we acted as if we were fucking on Emily and Sam's bed. 

Troubled Girl (Jacob Black x Reader/oc)Where stories live. Discover now