Just as I’m setting the small, in kitchen table, Max comes down the stairs and walks over to me.
“Looks good.” he smiles. I nod uncomfortably, wiping my sweaty palms against the bottom of the soft blue dress. “You look beautiful by the way.” he attempts conversation again.
I feel my cheeks get hot and I glare at the ground. Why did I have to make this so awkward? Why didn’t I just throw water at his face?
‘Probably because you love those lips’ my annoying conscience throws in. Max clears his throat loudly and my head shoots up quickly to glance at his face.
“Thanks.” I say quietly. I spin on my heel to grab the food and bring it to the table. I grin a little at the sight of all the food. “I made a lot, didn’t I?”
Max shakes his head in agreement, eyes wide at the sight of the feast. “I take it you like to cook?”
“Yeah.” I giggle. My hands find the back of the chair at the head of the table and I pull it out to sit. Once firmly sat in the chair, I grab my plate and start to pile it with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, saving the muffins for last. A pitcher of orange juice is set in front of me and I grab it, pouring myself a glass.
I fork up a piece of the blueberry pancakes, dripping with the sticky maple syrup, and bring it to my mouth. Just as it gets close, I look up to see Max still standing uncomfortable by the chair next to me, his lip between his teeth. My hands drop the fork back onto my plate and I blush for the hundredth time today.
“Are you going to sit, or…” I ask, gesturing towards the seat next to me. “I don’t bite.” I joke.
He doesn’t smile, just keeps frowning as he sits in the wood chair.
“Are you O.K?” I question. A tortured look passes over his features, but disappears just as quickly as it came.
“No I’m fine, just thinking about something. It’s nothing you have to worry about.” He assures me. I small smile falls over my face, but I don’t buy his explanation. Something very serious is bothering him, but I drop it.
Max piles his plate with twice as much food as I got and starts to eat. My mouth opens, gaping at the amount of food he’s going to eat. I snap out of it, going back to my own blueberry pancakes.
After awhile of small talk, laughing, and a lot of stuffing our faces, I stand up to clear the table. Max hops up with me, but loses his footing, landing on his ass. I can’t help the enormous laugh that escapes my mouth as he moans in pain.
“I-I’m sorry. It’s not t-that funny!” I say giggling. He glares up at me, but I can see the small smile trying to escape his lips as he rubs his hip. He stands up slowly, caring for his side, and grips onto the table to help himself. He almost slips again and I rush quickly to his aid, catching him before he falls.
“Thanks.” he mutters. I can see the pain on his chiseled features and in his blue eyes, but he tries to hide it as best he can. “Karma’s a bitch, huh?” he laughs slightly, but then moans at the movement.
“We need to get you to a doctor. You're in a lot of pain.” He shakes his head, eyes wide at the suggestion.
“NO!” he says loudly. My face contorts into hurt and he notices. “No,” he rephrases, “I don’t need a doctor, I’ll be fine.” I don’t agree, but I nod my head and help him walk to the couch in the living room. He sits down slowly, agony very evident throughout the small task on his face and in the quiet noises he makes.
I grab the TV remote and hand it to him.
“I’m going to go clean up the kitchen.” I say to him as he flips through the channels. He nods and I walk back into the now messy kitchen. I start to wash the plates and bowls the food was in. I grab my phone from beside the stove where I left it and a pair of earbuds from the draw of horror. That’s what my dad and I call the draw in the kitchen full of extra chargers and headphones and other random things. Most of it is all tangled into one giant ball of wiring.

Teen FictionShe knew no one would speak to her, but she didn't realize how much effort they would put into it. Cole's life was great. Popular in only the sense of everyone knew her. Had the perfect friends, all the teacher's loved her, but after what happened...