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Zayn has grabbed all the boys and us, declaring it's important. It is, of course. And I have a pretty good picture of what this 'important' thing might be.

"They really are from the future." are the first words Zayn says.

"What — Zayn!" Louis hisses, eyes narrowing.

"No." Zayn cuts him off firmly "You have to listen, Louis! All of you! They —" he points to us "— knew Harry was going to almost walk into the fire. They knew it before anyone did! They told me! They had 'Little Things'! They had 'Midnight Memories'! Just like how we wanted before it got released! There's no explanation for this! Except that they are from the future!"

They all fall silent. Louis opens his mouth, then closes it again. I have never seen him at a loss of words (Well, I have seen him only behind my computer screen but still). And to be honest, it's quite funny.

"Yeah, yeah, maybe..." Harry finally speaks, slower than usual. His green eyes look over at us "But how...? How did you guys..."

"If they are." Louis says, but we all ignored him.

"My friend, Faith, practices magic. She comes from a magical family, you see." I explain "She has been practising time travel for some time now. She cast the spell on us...and here we are."

"But why are you guys here?" Niall asks.

I share a look with Hiral and Umme, and shrug. "Only Liam can know." Hiral says.

Umme nods her head, and starts dragging Liam out of the door with her. We follow. And before I leave, I give Louis one of my scariest glares, watching in satisfaction as he shrinks back, ever so slightly.

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