when i fangirl

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When we walk into the room, four pairs of eyes turn to look at us, curious and amused. We shrug while smiling at each other. Our own little secret.

My phone starts ringing, and I frown when I see it's Faith again. Still, I excuse myself, hoping it's not something bad.



I swear my heart stops beating at the rich, deep sound. I can recognize it anywhere. I clasp my hand on my mouth. Unexpected. It was fucking unexpected and I guess, my inner fangirl finally cane to the surface. Full force.


All the heads snap towards me, but I honestly can't bring myself to care right now. Not when it's Zayn Malik. Breathing on the other end of the line for me.

I seriously can't breath right now.

"What was that?" Louis asks, totally bewildered.

I hush him. "I have been holding in Directioner-Shami since I met you guys. Now it's the future Zayn Malik on the phone talking to ME! AH! I am allowed to fangirl." Then, I speak back into the phone. "Yes, Zayn?"

"Can I talk to you? In private?" he asks, sounding worried.

"Of course! Anything you want!" I walk out if the room and into the bathroom, locking it from inside "Yeah, you were saying?"

Zayn doesn't reply for a while. I can hear his rapid breathing from the phone. "I, uh..." He is nervous, I can tell "I found your friend at the park.. Where we... Uh, she said you guys went back home?" he sighs, and I imagine him racking his hand through his hair "Look, we met. I was drunk. And I said some things in front of you and your friends."

"Don't say whatever you said was not true. Because it was, Zayn. I felt it." I sigh, racking my hand through my shoulder length black hair.

There is a pause.

"I am not denying it." Zayn says, finally "That was the truth. It's just... Can you please do me a favour? Don't...don't leak it into the media, yeah?"

"I promise. I won't." I say. I pause for a moment, and then continue "Now, if you tell me more about you and Harry..."

Zayn chuckles, amused and almost sad. I have never heard him like this. He has these innocent, big brown and an aura that screams 'ZADDY' around him, and even if I have never seen him except that day in Kolkata when he was drunk off of his ass, he...he was never this sad...


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