Chapter 8

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Neron was patient. He was hundreds of years old, the Legends would show up. In the meantime, he'll just whistle and prepare for Father's rise.
"They're going to find me, demon".
He stops whistling and smiles at John. "That's what I'm hoping for". Neron leans forward on the wooden chair. "I'm going to kill all of your friends. One by one as you watch. Then I'm going to kill you. Slowly, agonizingly, just so you can get a taste of what you're going to have for all eternity".
"Ooo, I'm so scared".
"You should be. You think I don't know you used your magic to tell your friends where you are? When you were laughing, correct?"
"Yes" he knew he'd figure it out. It was just a matter of time.
"And that means they're almost here?"
"And you knew I'd figure it out even though all that's going through your head currently is 'All Around the Mulberry Bush'?"
"You can read my mind, why are you asking me?"
"I wanted to hear it out loud".
They're interrupted by the sound of the Wave Rider. John feels a mix of hope and fear.
Neron smiles. "Speak of the Devil".
"Okay, so how do we get to him, this is obviously a trap." Gary says.
"Yes. So we're going to run into it blind like always" Sarah says.
"But don't you think Neron's gonna gank him?"
Charlie makes a mental note Gary used Constantine's word.
"Nobody ever has before, Gary. And remember we have you boyfriend's book?"
"Just because something hasn't happened before, doesn't mean it never will".
"Right" agrees Charlie. "But that's not how the 'CW' writes our show. Everything always turns out alright".
The team silently agrees.
"You didn't answer my first question". The team looks at Green. "How to we get to him without getting caught by Neron?"
The Legends of Tomorrow (minus one) all look at each other and then at Gary.
Realization hits him. Gary smiles wide. "You guys actually need me" his voice is an octave higher. It was just to put them in and out quickly through a portal, but still.
"Yes. But only one mission... Congrats, Gary" Lance turns to him. "You are officially a legend for only one mission" she points at him for more emphasis. Gary smiles widely and nods vigorously. 'Look at the bright side, you're a Legend' he thinks.

IDK if any of you have seen 'Drake and Josh' but this popped into my head writing that last part. Also, yes, Charlie broke the fourth wall. -yoloithinknot

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