Get The Fuck Out

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Cartman's pov: "The townspeople are sick, they corrupted me. They hate me! I don't want to go back!"  I shout at my mother. "I understand Eric," she spoke, calmly. "But i think its time we head back to South Park. Back to what we know, my old job there is willing to take me back. " She said.
"I don't understand? They HATED us!" I yelled some more.


My mom thought my mental illnesses could be fixed if we moved away from that shit hole, podunk town, unfortunately we didn't have much money; but she was desperate to fix me.

We moved to Boulder, Colorado. North of Denver. I hated it at first, but as a person does, I adapted. Made new friends, new school, new townsfolk etc.
I changed for the better; my mom even found a new boyfriend there for a bit...

They broke up just a few weeks ago, he cheated on her decided that she wasn't good enough for him anymore.
Scummy bastard.
I wanted to rip him from the inside out. Make him feel the pain my mother felt. But I'm a new person and i couldn't disappoint my mother so i decided against it. So now my mom wants to move back, she hasn't been able to keep a job here.
Haven't paid rent in a while, she started selling herself to our landlord but shit, thats not gonna last for long and she knows this, thats why she wants to move back.
"We're heading out in a week, start packing. I don't want to hear anymore about it Eric!!" She yelled, on the verge of tears.
I threw myself into her arms and gave her a hug.

We cried together for a few minutes.

I didn't keep in contact with anyone from South Park, tried to but it didn't work out.
I haven't talked to any childhood friends in 6 years.
     There was no big fight, we just grew distant and further apart with each passing year. I don't know them anymore. It will feel weird seeing them again.
It will feel weird being back there again.
I do not want to go.

But nevertheless I start packing.

Going through your room makes you realize how much stuff you have, I saw a lot of memories. Some good. Some bad.

Came across all my old costumes, pictures, etc. 'I don't miss them' I kept telling myself.
Putting stuff in boxes and bags, I move it all into the truck. I go back to my room, its empty now.
My friends here know I'm moving, I hung out with them for the last time last night. They're just as sad as I am.
I look through the old pictures on my phone.

my mom comes up to me "Eric, sweetie look." She said. I turn around and face her, a tear in my eye. She empathizes with me "look, I was able to get the old house back!" I cringe, but force out a smile. "The one down the street from Kyle and Stan?" I manage to spit out.
She nods her head, "I bet the miss you bunches!"
I nod. "I bet."
She goes back to packing the kitchen and I follow to help her.

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