Chapter Forty Five

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"Esto no me puede estar pasando ahora mismo." Sofia said.
This can't be happening to me right now.
"What do you want?" Jack asked.
"I want to see my daughter." Annabelle said.
"Your daughter! THE ONE YOU LEFT 24 YEARS AGO!" Sofia yelled.
"Sof calm down please. It's not good for the baby." Andy said.
"You know that Scott got drunk and would abuse me. Because you left us! I was 4! It stopped because the Tanners took me in." Sofia said.
"Chief can you take her away please." Jack said.
"Tanner lets go." Ripley said.
"I want to stay." Sofia said.
"So you are having a baby?" Annabelle said.
"Don't talk to her." Jack said.
"You have no business talking to her." Annabelle said.
"Yes I do. I'm her family. I'm her fiance." Jack said.
Sofia starts getting mad.
"Calm down. Think of the baby." Ripley whispered.
Sofia falls to the floor.
"Vic!" Ripley yelled.
Vic runs to Ripley. Jack runs to her.
"Sofia?" Jack said.
"Lets go. The aid car is ready to go." Travis said.
Ben picks Sofia up and runs down the stairs.
"Get out of here!" Jack said with tears coming down his face.
"You have no right to tell me that." Annabelle said.
"Yes he does." Ripley said.
"Who are you?" Annabelle said.
"Fire Chief Lucas Ripley. You don't have any rights against Sofia since you haven't even reached out to her in 24 years. You are so lucky that Ryan Tanner isn't here right now because he would have you in a cell." Ripley said.
"They found him!" Officer Jones yelled.
*Author's note*
How many chapters do you want this story to go? Do you think 60 is good? I've prewritten the next few chapters.

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