Chapter 4:The Dream

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(Dream this actually happened in Olivia's life so flashback dream)

"Stay away from them! What did they ever do to you!" I screamed at the man infront of me that I claimed to be my ex-boyfriend.

Me and Jack, my ex-boyfriend, were in my mom and dad's house in the living room. My sisters, which were passed out,were back to back with ropes tied around their hands together.

"They took you away Olivia and I won't let them do that again!"

"It won't happen again, please just let them go! We can run away together if that's what it takes!"

"That's not going to change the fact that these girls practically know everything about me and could find us in a heartbeat!"

"Yes it will Jack they won't say a word, please just don't do this!"

"Please police get here soon I called you like 5 minutes ago!" I screamed this in my mind while watching my crazy ex-boyfriend point a gun at my sisters' heads.

"No Olivia I have to do it, it is so we can be happy together. It's for the best."

"No pleas----" I was cut off by 2 gun shots.

"NOO! YOU MONSTER!" I looked at the screen of where my sister's brains were in the

floor. I bursted into tears

With the biggest smile on his face he said l, "It was for the best Olivia, we can be happy now."

(End of flashback dream)

I woke up with my forehead soaked with sweat and my cheeks were stained with tears.

I looked to my side to see Niall still sleeping next to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh how I love his smile, wait Olivia you can't like him he could be someone just like Jack he could be crazy, and just waiting to kill you! Why the heck am I even sleep next to him!?

What if he is!? Why did you even kiss him?!" these thoughts went through my head so fast that even the roadrunner couldn't of beat them. The went so fast that I couldn't comprehend them.

So I just shook them to the back of my mind and ignored them even though I really didn't want to. I kept telling myself that Niall isn't like Jack he would never do that, you know him. But then the same thought kept popping back up, "He could be putting on a front for you."

Again I pushed to the back of my mind but made sure that it was still there just in case if it I was right.

I laid there on the couch looking at Niall sleep for what seem like forever when I decided to look at the TV and see what time it was. I gently sat up making sure Niall didn't wake from his peaceful slumber and grabbed the remote. I quickly pressed the select button and read the time.

"6:30 AM. Dang I thought it would be later than that!" I silently thought to myself.

After looking at the time, decided to get up and get ready. As I got up I made sure that I was quiet so that I wouldn't wake Niall. After I got up I put the rest of the fuzzy blue blanket onto him just to make sure he didn't get cold. "Gosh he looks so cute, stop thinking that Olivia!" I mentally screamed to myself.

I quickly but quietly ran to the bedroom and grabbed my clothes. After finding them I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower water on and made sure it wasn't to cold or wasn't to hot but just right.

I removed my clothes and then jumped into the shower.


(15 minutes later)

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