Chapter 7

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~Olivia's P.O.V.~

"Crap." I dropped my keys on the floor right outside my room while trying to get them out of my handbag.

I quickly retrieved my keys from the floor and opened the door. I walked straight towards my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I threw my handbag onto the bed and walked straight to my heavily lighted kitchen to see if I had anything good to eat. Seeing Jack made me sad and depressed of what I had experienced with him. He did horrible heartless things. He did things that make me want to kill him. The reason I didn't break up with him was because he threatened to kill my family. And guess what he did because I got tired of what he was doing to me, I knew he was crazy but I didn't think he would take it that far!

I quickly walked into the kitchen and looked through my cabinets. After searching the cabinets and finding nothing that I wanted, I went to the freezer and took the mint chocalate chip ice cream out and sat it on the counter. I then walked over to the cabinet next to the sink where the plates and bowls were and took out a bowl. Lastly I went to the draw with the silverware in it and I grabbed a spoon.

When I open the ice cream tub, I tried to scoop out some. It was to hard so I decided to put it into the microwave for about 30 seconds.

I started to walk over to the microwave when I heard my front door open. I quickly sat down the tub of ice cream and grabbed my spoon and held it in the air like a sword.

I silently tip toed down the hall towards the front door. I quickly stopped right before you could see the front door. I jumped lightning speed out from behind the wall and stuck my spoon forward.

"Olivia?!" Niall said while laughing like a maniac.

"Why are you here and why are you laughing?!" I said loudly to make sure he could hear me over his laugh.

"I wanted to see what you were doing, and I'm laughing because your holding a spoon as a weapon!"

"Well for one thing if you were Liam right now you'd be fleeing the room and screaming like a little girl so it's not that bad of a weapon, but sorry I don't have like a gun or anything I mean I was in the kitchen and it was the closest thing at the time. What am I suppose to be a ninja?" I said while laughing a little at the last part I said. Dude it would be cool to be a ninja. To bad that's probably not a career.

"Good point, but no, it would be cool if you were though." He said while finally dying his laugh down.

"I know right. Well I'm gonna go put this spoon to actual use." I said while skipping to the kitchen, the reason I was skipping is because I was finally going to be able to eat some ice cream.

I quickly skipped over to the tub of ice cream sitting on the counter and put it into the microwave because it was still too cold to actually scoop without my spoon bending back.

Niall walked right into the room right after I shut the microwave door. I pressed the button that said 30 seconds and hit start.

"What are you about to eat?" Niall said while scavenging through my cabinets.

"Some ice cream. It is too cold to scoop so I put it in the microwave for 30 seconds so it would be softer."

Right after I finished talking, the ice cream was done. I quickly grabbed it and went over to my bowl and decided not to use it and just eat straight out of the tub.

"Would you like some?" I asked Niall while gesturing towards the tub of ice cream in my hands.

"That's a stupid question." He said while stealing my spoon and taking a big chunck out of the ice cream.

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