Chapter 6

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~Olivia's P.O.V.~

As soon as we stepped into the building where our flats were everyone ran towards the elevator. We all crunched up into the tiny elevator with no room left to even turn around.

Niall was behind me and I literally stood right on top of him. It was very awkward for the time that we were in there because no one dared to talk for some reason.

The elevator doors opened after what seemed like forever. We all stepped out and Eleanor grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me down the hallway to my flat.

"He guys we are gonna go to her flat, we will meet you in the lobby in 1 hour!" Perrie said to the guys right before rounding the corner.

"BYE and OKAY!" I counldn't tell if they were yelling this to us or just saying it, we were moving so fast I had no idea what was going on.

"My room number is 222, so it should be right up here." I pointed straight to my room.

I swear if Eleanor had a grabbed my wrist any tighter it would fall off, and it felt like my shoulder was gonna come out of socket. Luckily we reached my door before any of that happened.

"Put your dang key into the keyhole so we can get you ready!" Eleanor basically screamed into my face.

I'm not gonna lie I was kinda scared so I hurried and put my key into the keyhole before she could do it again.

"OMG your flat is so nice." Perrie said while gasping.

"Ya its my new home so I thought I'd make it look nice you know."

"I know exactly what you mean, now where is the bedroom?" Eleanor asked looking really eager to find it.

"Right over by the coat closet."

"Great lets go, we need to get you ready." Eleanor once again grabbed my wrist and

dragged me to my room.

"Now you sit here, on the bed, and we'll go through you closet." Eleanor bluntly stated to me, and she kept looking back just to make sure I didn't get up.

"Girl you have nothing to wear.! Stay here while I go to the guys' flat where my stuff is. Perrie do you want me to grab your stuff?"

"Um na I think I'll be fine with what I'm wearing right now."

"Okay guys I'll be right back!" two seconds after she said she would be back you heard the door slam behind her.

"So you and Niall huh?" Perrie said while staring at me with one eyebrow up and the other in its regular position.

"Um what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean... are you guys like... dating or something."

"Um I don't think so, I mean we did kiss when we were on the ferris wheel at the carnival but thats all thats happened. He hasn't said anything and I really don't want to make it awkward by saying something. You know what I mean?"

"Yea I know what you mean, but he won't be able to not say something about it after what you'll look like tonight."

Before I could respond to her comment Eleanor came throught the door carrying tons of bags.

"So who's ready to have a makeover!" Eleanor said while she was setting the bags down.

"Um well me but one condition, I'm not wearing makeup." I said to the both of them while giving them a serious look.

"What, you have to, it will make the makeover complete!" Perrie said while giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"No." I said bluntly hoping that they would get the message, but I started to notice that it didn't when Perrie started to have a smirk growing across her face.

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