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Nuisance: a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.

Takes place after Silent Storm. Just imagine a younger Chief and Johnson.)

November 12th, 2527

Echo Base 047, Eden II, outer colonies.

Roughly nightfall, Eden's time.

John-117 just got back from a mission called Operation: CLASSIFIED. He went into the mess hall. Sargent Major Avery J. Johnson Jr. was flirting with a female ODST. She wasn't wearing armor, but instead a BDU, with the telltale bolder ODST displayed across her chest. She was blonde, and quite pretty... but she didn't look interested.

"Oh I know what the ladies like." Johnson flashed his usual grin, hoping his 'good' looks and charm would get him somewhere in this conversation, like it usually did.

The female ODST looked slightly amused at his attempts, rolling her blue eyes. She then got off the table, walking away and swaying her hips just a little.

"I guess I don't know what she likes..." Johnson shrugged, stating the obvious to himself.

"Apparently not." John said as he walked over, sitting next to his friend. Although he had no clue why Johnson was constantly talking to, as he said they were: 'babes', he kinda felt bad that Johnson had failed so badly.

"Hey, look!" Johnson pointed at a girl. He smiled to John, even shoulder bumping him to get his attention.

"I don't care," John said in his normal stoicism.

"Seriously, man. Look!" Johnson forced John to look at her.

"Wow, a girl." John said sarcastically.

Johnson punched him in the shoulder, doing nothing to him. "No you fool, she isn't military. And she looks closer to your age!"

Said girl went over to their table. "Is this seat taken?" She was fairly pretty, and, yes, blonde, with glasses.

John shook his head no, but Johnson quickly nodded yes, and since John was his little introverted self, she noticed Johnson's...and she sat down.

Johnson, seeming to remember John's lack of actual conversation, spoke up. "So, what's your name?" He said, with a smile as always. He sensed that he was going to have to be the greatest Wingman... ever!

"Nunya, last name business." She seemed cocky... That made John like her even less.

"Wow, that's a beautiful name," Johnson said sarcastically with a small smile.

"Keep dreaming, buddy. You're not my type." 'Nunya' crossed her arms, shaking her head at the same time.

"Jokes on you, lady. I was trying to get you for my friend here." He gestures over to John, who slowly looked up from his staring contest with the table. If he hadn't been interrupted, he might have won.

John stared at them, evidently confused. "What?"

"What's your name?" Asked 'nunya', although that obviously wasn't her name.

"That's classified." John said, narrowing his eyes. It was against his nature to trust people. Plus it was classified.

"That's nice." Nunya said with a small sigh, sarcasm up to maximum. "My name's actually Bri."

'... Spartan 117."

Three more Spartans arrived at the table and sat down.

"Who's the girl?" Kelly 087 eyed the newcomer wearily, not ready to trust generally anyone. The rest of the spartan were typically the same way;

"That's nu-" Johnson was interrupted by a sharp kick to his shin. "-I mean Bri."

Linda 058 glanced at her then continued eating her food. She was even less social than the others, and that was saying something.

"All right! A new member of the team!" Fred gave her a warm smile, opting to give her a side of mashed TATERS, since she apparently had none.

"I never said she was a member of the team. She's just here, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less." John thought, quite bitter of all this.

Luckily, Kelly had similar viewpoints to John, and she immediately elbowed Fred, causing him to nearly spit out his beans. He looked at her with what was probably the closest an SII could get to an innocent look. She just glared at him, shaking her head.

Before they could finish their meal, a young ensign ran up to them, with the entire ensemble looking up at him. He was understandably nervous around an entire fire team of Spartans. "Y-you're requested one conference room zero-omega, clearance 5... I was told to tell you 'Halsey.'..." The mention of the SII's de-facto mother got their attention, and stood up without a thought. "You two, I was told to bring you as well." He made a small gesture to Bri and Johnson.

"Let's go, Nunya! Yee-haw!" Johnson ran off, holding his hat above his head like he was riding a bull. He was not.

Bri looked at John, raising an eyebrow. "How do you put up with him?"

"I don't. Now move it." John pointed at the door, before quickly jogging away with the rest of his team, with Bri sticking her tongue out as he did, before following.

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