The character of Big Dog underwent an amazing evolution as I wrote the series. He started as a villain and an object of fear to the cats. Urged by Dog-loving fans, I rehabilitated him, allowing the cats to discover that neither his bark nor his bite were as evil as his big black appearance!
After becoming the cat's acquaintance, Big Dog remained aloof for an episode or so, providing independent advice and the occasional muscle as required by the plot.
Over time, Big Dog became the cat's friend and something of a superhero. He could protect the cats from marauding strays and ill-intentioned humans alike. As an author, I had to restrain myself from calling Big Dog in to bark and solve every problem the neighbourhood pets experienced.
This episode attempts to provide Big Dog with his own challenges in the form of other Dogs and nieghbourhood dominance. It introduced other challenges in point of view (as I tried to retain Jonathon and the cats as my avatars) and violence, as a responsible author ought not to promote animal fighting. Except, in the real world - animals do exert their territoriality. So, some interesting challenges...
The Land of Meow Short Story Series
ContoThis is a collection of short stories comprising a human/animal fantasy series about the secret dreamworld of pets. The main character is eight years of age and the stories are designed to amuse children, parents who read to children, and adults who...