Chapter 5

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Elsi's POV

Thor jumps up as soon as the words come out of my mouth. "You are not going on this mission! I will not allow it!"

"The decision has already been made. I'm the only one that can go."

"I do not care! I will not allow you to be violated like that!"

"Thor, sweetie, I'll be fine. I've had to do it before. Sometimes that's the only way you can find things out."

"But are you are too... too... too pure to be ravaged in that way! I will talk to the others. I will convince them that you cannot go. I do not want this happening to you!"

"Honey, I'm not pure. I told you I've had to do it before. I have to do this for all of us. It might not even happen. I'm just telling you in case it does. I don't want you to think I'm cheating. I will never do that to you. Kiss me."

"What?" he asks, confused.

"Kiss me," I repeat.

Thor grabs my face and kisses me softly at first, then harder as the kiss deepens. I wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up bridal style and puts me down on the bed gently. He lies next to me, then pulls me on top of him.

Thor rolls over so he's on top and starts to pull my shirt off. "What about... now not being... the time for this?"

"I'm deeply sorry, m'lady. I must go now."

Clint's POV

"Nat, are you even worried about this mission?" I ask her.

"Kind of," she says, her mouth full of pizza.

"Elsi is probably a little worried. She's been on these type of missions before, but not to this caliber. I know she can handle it, though."

"Yeah, I don't doubt that, she's tough," I reply.

Nat doesn't answer, so I turn around and she's shoving more pizza in her mouth. "Shouldn't you be eating healthy before a big mission?"

"Clint, pizza motivates me to do good in the world. So shut up."

"How....?" I ask.

"Well think about it. If the world gets taken over by some evil organization, pizza could just stop being made."

"Do you really love pizza that much?" I ask.

"Clint, everybody loves pizza. Are you even human?"

"Yes, I'm human. I want to be in good health. Pizza does not help with that," I say.

Nat growls at me. "Don't diss pizza, Katniss."

"Ooh burn! Clint, do you need some ice for that one?" Tony asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Shut up, Tony. At least I didn't get burned by a 90-year-old," I say.

"That is true. You did get burned by a 95-year-old," Steve corrects.

"Wait a minute. Why are all you guys saying burned? Tony, why did you just ask if he needed ice? What are you, five?" Nat interjects.

"Whatever. This is not worth my time," Tony says, walking away.

"Bye bye baby Tony! Don't pout too much!" Nat yells after him, causing us to laugh.

Thor's POV

As I'm walking out of Elsi's quarters, I hear her coming after me. "Thor, honey, please don't leave me. This might be the last night for a while that I'm going to be here. And I want to spend it with you."

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