Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

As the Avengers are nearing the M.O. base, Tony finishes hacking the cameras. It was a simple task for the genius.

"Cap, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know you want to help Bucky and I had no place yelling at you for that," Elsi apologizes.

"It's all right. I understand how you're feeling. You just want to rescue Thor and you're worried about him. I don't blame you," Steve replies.

They arrive at the base and split in two groups of four. Tony, Bruce, Sif, and Elsi are the first group and Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Natasha are the second group.

Steve's group will be the ones to find Thor and bring him back to the quinjet. Elsi's group is in charge of surveillance and back up. Tony and Bruce make sure no one knows they're there.

Both groups sneak in the building, careful not to let anyone see them. Clint and Bucky quickly, soundlessly take out the guards while everyone else runs ahead.

Thor's POV

I wake up to white-hot pain in my face. The butt of a gun is in my face and it hits me in the cheekbone. The gun comes away with my blood on it from my unhealed cuts. I try to swat the gun away, but I'm too weak. I get hit repeatedly.

Brock brings out his knife and touches the blades to an uncut part of my face. He digs the knife deep into my skin and makes a long, diagonal cut along my jawline. I feel him reopen a cut that has closed up and the blood pours down my face. He finds more unmarked skin and slices into it.

Suddenly, he pulls the knife out of my skin and walks out of the cell. The blood from the cuts is flowing down my face and dripping in my eyes. I try to close my eyes but the blood that's pooling is stopping me.

I hear the metal door to the cell room creak open and footsteps come toward me. I prepare for more torturing.

"Guys! I found him!" a familiar voice yells.

I look up and see Cap standing in front of my cell. 'I've lost too much blood. I'm now imagining things,' I think to myself. The jingle of keys opening the lock brings me back to reality. Steve and a metal-armed man enter my cell. I try to stand up but my legs won't cooperate. They both rush to my side and help me up. Clint and Nat come running in and stop when they see me.

I'm falling in and out of consciousness when they ask me what happened. I try to explain but stop when I see my mother standing in front of me. She's looking at me, tears rolling down her face.

"My son. I am deeply sorrowful that this has happened to you. You are not dying, but it will take time for you to heal," she says.

I reach out to hug her but she disappears before my arms can was around her. I start seeing other things; Sleipnir, my father, the Warriors Three, and most surprisingly, Laufey. When I see Laufey, I jump back as far as my legs can take me and cry out.

Steve and the metal-armed man carry me out of my bloody cell to the hallway. I can't see anything except red, but I hear voices all around me. I can't make out anything they're saying but they sound worried. The men carrying me pick up the pace and I hear more voices.

Suddenly, I feel warmer and I know we're outside. We go back inside something, the quinjet, as the Avengers call it. I'm laid out on the floor, and I wipe the blood out of my eyes. I make the mistake of touching my face and see my hand come away covered in blood.

I'm still bleeding from the cuts the man had made, and I'm losing blood quickly. I try to fight unconsciousness again, then everything fades to black.


Short chap, I'm sorry. But hey, Thor is rescued! Updating is going to be hard until Christmas break, which is only three weeks away! I'll try to update as much as I can as often as I can, but it's basketball season and I'm busy with that and my homework. I'll try to keep the updates coming!

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