Triwizard Tournament

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Ah Finally! Fourth Year! Me, mum, Louis, and the twins even Uncle Remus and Aunt Tonks was with us as we watch the Bulgarian Quidditch!. I was covered with Green and Silver Paint on my face and wearing a green shirt with matching silver scarf around my neck. Louis also was painted in green and silver. Chelsea was wearing Green too and Savana wearing red, While the twins... Ben's face was Red while Dennis's was Green. "Woah this looks amazing!!!" Louis said enjoying the view of the pitch. "Do shut up!" I said. As we cheered with the crowd. "Hey that's Viktor Krum!" I said excitingly. Viktor Krum was one of the best member in Bulgarian Quidditch team. He's from Dumstrang though. After the match we headed to our tent and the twins were playing whatever their playing. "You look lovely Dennis!" Chelsea said jokingly. "Do shut up! Evans" Dennis said angrily. We laughed at Dennis reaction. As we heard Uncle Remus yelled, "Go now!!! Go!", "What's wrong unc-" Savan asked but was cutted by mum, "GO NOW! SAVE YOURSELVES!!" we followed mums order and ran out of the tent. A few hours later we were now in Hogwarts. "What the Bloody hell was that?!" I asked. "Probably death eaters" Savana said. We headed down the great hall to have a feast ofcourse.

Draco and I are still best of friends. My Cousins are in 5th year now. We headed to rhe great hall. Its first day and ofcourse a sorting ceremony! My brother is now on his first year ah! I cam bully someone now! I went to my seat as I put my Black witch cap on. Me and Chelsea were talking about how our vacation has been. I saw Draco staring at me with a smile, I smiled back and the door Burst open with a bunch of first years. Ofcourse I saw my brother and my cousins were eyeing on him as I laughed. Professor McGonaggal called out names again until it reaches to letter S.

"Louis Salazar!"
he sat at the stool confidently
"Ah! another Salazar? I know just what to do with you.."

"SLYTHERIN!" We cheered and I hugged my brother as soon as he qent to our table.

"Congratulations! ninny!" I laughed my ass out, "Shut up normie!" he shot back. As I saw him talk to a girl a first yeat as well. Well, I dont mind as long he has friends. Dumbledore has announcment to make I guess. "As you all know! This is the season of Triwizard Cup, All fifth years and above shout put there name on the goblet and one should be picked, and may I present to you some visitors from Ladies from Beauxbatons" As he said that Ladies in Blue barged in the Great hall making us look back. And thwir headmistress woah! I live their uniform. "I love their uniform" Chelsea said "I know right" I replied. The represntative of Beauxbatons must be Fleur. "Now the boys from Dumstrang European School of Magic" we turned our heads through the door as we saw group of boys barged into the hall with sticks with fires on thair hands. "Now that's cool" Blaise muttered. We started the feast ofcourse and now were heading to our common rooms. "Hey! Jane wait up" I heard a familiar voice that made my heart raise. "Draco!" I ran to him and hugged him tight "Ive missed you!" I said as we released from the hug. "oooh my heiress is growing ey? such a ninny" he laughed as he flicked my forehead "Meanie!" I slapped his shoulder teasingly.

"So! were you safe that time?" Draco asked me worridley. "Im not stupid Malfoy" We laughed at each other. I know what he meant. After a few minutes of chatting with Mr. Heir I bid goodnight to him and kissed his cheek asusual.

Next Morning we headed down the great hall for breakfast and Dumbledore's announcement. "Today! We will be picking a represenative in Hogwarts and I assume every 5th year has put their names in the goblet? We will be helding the ceremony tonight. All students must be here at 7. Thank you" Dumbedore said. As we continued eating breakfast.

Its 6 pm. Me, Chelsea and Savana were at the library reading books. "Hey!" I exclaimed, "Whut?" Savana said deadly looking at me, "So, how's you and Cedric?" Chelsea said while grinning and so did I. "I-uhmm.." Savana stuttered, "Oh C'mon Savyyyy..Ouk he's comming" Me and Chelsea pretend to be reading. "Hey! Savana!" Cedric exclaimed, "Hey-y C-Cedric!!" Savana Stuttrered as we giggle behind our books. "Hey uhm I-I was asking if you could hangout with me uh- like a date I guess?" Cedric asked nervously *EHEM* I coughed teasing Savana, "I- uh sure!! I would love to" Savana was tinted in pink. "Okay then!" he skipped happily. "oooohh our Savy is getting old HAHAHA" Chelsea teased, "Shut it Evans! before I kick your ass!" Savana mocked.

Its 7 and all students were gathered in the Great hall. "Now I would like to welcome you the two representatives! Fleur of Beauxbatons! and Viktor Krum of Dumstrang!" we clapped our hands for them "And now represantative for Hogwarts!" Dumbledore said as a paper popped out of the goblet.

"CEDRIC DIGGORY" we gasped and cheered for Digorry! We smirked at Savana. "Congratulatio-" Another Goblet?! we whisperes at each other. A paper once again popped out of the Goblet as Dumbledore Stood in shocked

"Harry Potter!" My eyes widend as and we all whispered u each others ear. I saw Draco's Eyes widend as well. "But, Harry is a fourth year!" Chelsea exclaimed, "I know duh stupid" Ben said. "How come?" I asked "I have no idea" Blaise said. We headed back to our common rooms as I stayed up late again studying ofcourse!

Morning... again!... Uhuh an that means We have a test in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Oh for merlins sake! I sat on my seat as Snape gave the booklets and papers to us. "No! Cheating Mr. Weasley!" Snape exclaimed as we turned back to Ron who was just talking with Harry. I was the third one who finished the exam, Ofcourse Granger would finish first because I admit she's the Brightest Witch here in Hogwarts, she even ranked number 1 in the overall. Chelsea finished second an I could tell shes also one of them. She ranked 3rd in the overalls but 1st in Slytherin. I ranked 2nd in Slytherin and 4th overall. Ofcourse Savana would rank 2nd overall in hogwarts.

The Triwizard Cup is today, the first task!. We were at the pitch now I seated in between Draco and Blaise while Chelsea was in between Blaise and Savana. Savana was cheering for Diggory duh. "Clarkson! Have a bet? 5 sickles if Krum" I smirked "7 sickles if Diggory!" She spat "10 sickles if Potter" Chelsea smirked "What?!" Me and Draco said in sync looking at Chelsea with a Questioning look. Anyways The task I believe is to get the dragon's egg well. We saw Krum and cheered fo him. I felt a warm hand slowly reaching out for my hand. I saw Draco's hand trying to reach my hand as we interwined our fingers. He looked at me smiling as I smiled back. "WOAH!" Blaise yelled. What in the world?! Potter's Dragon flew as we saw harry at the broomstick..Few moments later. We saw Potter holding the golden egg. I stood up in disbelief I looked at Evans and Zabini laughing their asses off. "Do shut up lovetwats!" I yelled as Savana giggled and Draco laughe with them as well. "You owe me 10 sickles Salazar!!" she walked away with Blaise hand in hand even Clarkson with Diggory. Me and Draco were the only ones left. "Enjoyed ey Salazar?" he giggled "yea" I giggled too.

"Ms. Salazar!, Ms. Savana!, Ms. Granger!!" Dumbledore called us. "Professor?" I asked. "Ahh yes! the three of you! have a seat." We looked around Dumbledore's office it was cozy I admit it. "So you maybe wondering if why were here? I will be hexing a spell on you three but as soon as the Competitors brought you up you will be breatjing heavily. Do you understand me ladies? This is part of the tournament please participate!" My eyes widend, Hermione as well and Savana. "Yes professor!" We said.


I strolled around the library finding where Jane is with Blaise and Goyle. "Evans!! Have yo-", "DRACO, BLAISE, GOYLE!! JANE AND SAVANA IS MISSING" she said as our eyes widend "WHAT?!" I asked. We headed to Dumbledore's office and asked where the bloody hell is Jane! "Professor where is Ja-", "Come down Draco its part of the tournament, Four of the competitors need to save them from the Black Lake. I believe Potter must be getting her" Professor said "POTTER?!" We said at the same time, "Children the competion will be later watch tourselves head to the black lake yea?" Professor Dumbledore said.

We are now running ourselves to the Black Lake and saw Potter "Listen Potter you need to save Jane and Savana! yea?" I released his collar as Evans making me stop. "I will Malfoy" he muttered. We positioned ourselves at the stage where we can see everything and the crowd was hell full. The canon burst as the competitors dived. What the?! Harry isnt Diving?! "Bloody Hell?!" Goyle said angrily. As Professor Moody pushed him in the water. A few moments later he jumped out of the water and dived once again. A few minutes later we saw Diggory up! with Clarkson! "SAVANA!" Evans ran and gave her a towel as she hugged her. We ran as well to Savana, "Are you okay?!" I asked "Yea thank you!!" she said shaking "Thanks Diggory!!" Blaise Thanked Diggory. We saw Krum up with Granger. Fleur is now up as well but with nothing. We heard that she was got by sea people underneath. Where the hell is Potter?! Times up! As soon Fleur's little sister and JANE! were up. Jane swam together with Fleur's Little Sister. "JANE!" I yelled as We helped them got up I wrapped her in the towel and hugged her, "Blimey Jane!!! We looked everywhere for you Even Savana!!" Chelsea said in disbelief.  "Sorry guys" they said in jinx. We saw Harry up now. We went back to the Castle and dry them up. I thanked Fleur and Diggory although Fleur didnt got anything but did her best.

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