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"Its Jane!" Blaise exclaimed. "We ran through the halls and find Jane! Where the hell she could be?! "Guys we need to split up! Me and Blaide and you two! now! Go!!!" I yelled. Me and Blaise went inside Slytherin Common room and asked every person, and looked everywhere! Even at her dorm! Her things are there but where the bloody hell is she?!


I was in the Girls bathroom as I heard noises. I walked out and my vision went black. "Imperio"


We've been to Hogsmede and everything we still couldn't even find her! "MALFOY! ZABINI!" We saw Savana called. "Have you seen her?!" Blaise asked, "We didnt, Have you?" they asked, "No!" I yelled, "Wait! follow me!" We went to Slytherin common room into Evans and Salazar's dorm. "What are we even doing in our dorm?!" Evans spatt. "Just sit down!" I said as I locked the door. "I remembered something...Something the Dark Lord asked me" I sighed "What is it?" Blaise asked. "H-he asked that w-who was the girl with me always" I said "And I was thinking...they took her to the Manor!" I cried as Blaise comforted me. "WE HAVE TO GET THERE!" Chelsea yelled. "Draco! We need to save Jane!! You know how important Jane is to you and to us!" Savana said. "Cmon lets go but we need to keep ourselves hidden!" Blaise said as I nodded. "Well better change into a colored Bla-", "Draco! are you blind We are now in Black!" Chelsea sneered. "Oh sorry!" I said. "Lets get going!".

We apparated Outside the Manor. We quietly reached the dining area. We hid  behind the door of the living room where Bellatrix, mum and dad is with Amycus. We peeked as my heart broked  into a million of pieces. I looked at Blaise, who's eyes was wide. Chelsea, was about to cry with her eyes widend as Blaise try to keep her mouth shut. Savana who has a slightly mouth open while she hold on to my wrists. I held her hand as My eyes went red. I sobbed quietly. Jane was petrified, but she moved already. "Ahh!! Well if it isnt the Heiress of Slytherin! Jane!" I heard Bellatrix said laughing. My mum had nothing to do she just watch them. "Girl to Girl now!" Bellatrix said. I saw my mum caught us. She headed to us as she brought us quietly at the back of a couch hiding. "STOP IT!" I yelled instantly. "LET HER GO!" I yelled I saw Jane looked at me tearing up. "Oh Draco... Is this your girlfriend? The Heiress of Slytherin?! Now I want you to watch a little show!" Bellatrix laughed. "WAIT!" Chelsea stood up with the two. "You cant! You cant do that!" She hissed, Oh no! a badass Chelsea alert.

Jane screamed as loud as she can while I cried myself out. My father was holdinf me tight. While the others being hold by somedeath eaters. "AHHHHHHH" my heart shattered more when I heard her screamed. Bellatrix was torturing her. I managed to get off my father's grip. "Expelliarmus!" I yelled. "DRACOOO!!!" Jane yelled once more as I made it to her. "Saving your girlfriend Draco my boy?" Bellatrix said "Dont you ever touch her! again! do you understand?!" I yelled. I hugged Jane into my arms. The five of us apparated back at hogwarts in Jane's dorm as we ran to the Hospital wing. C'mon Jane! Be strong!


I woked up feeling dizzy.  I saw Chelsea, Blaise, Savana and Draco around me. "JANE!" They all hugged me. "Jane! your okay my love!" Draco asked. "Im fine now Draco. I told you I wasnt gonna die in your manor" I chuckled. "How did you get in there?" He asked. "Ill tell you all as soon as I can go back to our Dorms. "Madam Pomfrey!" Savana called. "Yes my dear?" she said. "When will she be able to g-", "Later dear. Before dinner time she could go!" she Said. "Thank you Madam Pomfrey!" I thanked her.

"How did you get in the Manor? You know how much we spend time finding you around Hogwarts! Even Hogsmede!" Chelsea said in disbelief. "Well I was in the Girls Bathroom and when I heard noises. So, I got out but as soon as I got out I only heard 'Imperio' so that's why!" I said, "I was petrfied a-", "We know you were petrified!" they all said. "Oh" I laughed at them. "Jane! Dont you ever go alone again! Understand?!" Draco said. "Yes sir! I will" They chuckled including me as Draco Kissed me in the lips. "Would you to get a room for snogging!" Savana said. "Sorry" I said while blushing.


"So, Its Jane's birthday tomorrow! That's why I called you all here in my dorm...but where is Jane?" I asked. "In the library with Granger" Blaise said. "Oh good!" I sighed in relief. "So! whats the plan?" Chelsea asked. "Well..", "Alohamora" "Oh cmon Draco you cant plan the party without us!!!" The Silverwicket twins got in my dorm with Jane's brother. "Oh! I told them hehe sorry!" Savana said. "No! No need to be sorry indeed this will be perfect!" I said.
"So, I was thinking that it would be grand.." I said "We know what to do!" Dennis said. "I was thinking of Fireworks that says "Happy Birthday Jane!" I said instantly. "Right choice!" Ben said. "Oh Jane is gonna look very shocked indeed!!" Blaise said.


"Happy Birthday to JANE!" I jolted up as I heard Evans screamed. "Janeyyy is a big girl indeed shes 17!!" she said. "Its-its my birthday?" I asked. "Forgot about your birthday again?" she smiled. "Yea" I chuckled. "Well there someone who would like to meet you after you take a shower as I go!" she said grinning at me. "Oh okay". I took a shower while I got out of my dorm wearing my Slytherin robes ofcourse. "Okay stay here!" Chelsea said. As I waited. "Happy Birthday! Jane!" I saw a smiling Draco. "Draco!" I hugged him as he pulled me by my waist and kissed me. "Youre now 17!" He chuckled. "I dont care!" I said.  "Well I got you a gift!" he showed me a box, A small box. I opened it revealing another expensive necklace from him. "I have two necklace from you already! But I love it! Thank you!" I said hugging him. "Well I have another present to you but its still at 5 pm." he said as I stood there in disbelief. "What?! Why 5pm?!" I exclaimed. "Cuz its 5pm!" he said. I rolled my eyes.

We headed down to the great hall where All Slytherin table sang me a Happy Birthday. "Thank you Guys!" I said.

"Uhm Excuse me!" I heard a man's voice. He's from Ravenclaw. Oh! its the Quidditch boy. "Oh yea hey! Troye? right?" I asked. "Yes thats me! Someone said you need to go to the courtyard as soon now its 4:50 pm and-", "Oh yes I gotta get going!" I ran but headed back to him. "Is that for me?" I asked smiling. "Yes!", "Oh sorry! nice to meet you Troye! We may be Rivals in quidditch but friends!" I bid goodbye at him as I headed to the Courtyard. I looked around and see no sign of Draco! I frowned though. "Salazar!" I heard Goyle. "Look up!" I did what he told me as my eyes widend. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE!" It was at the sky by fireworks! "Well I guess its a Happy Birthday For you love!" I heard someone ofcourse its Draco! "Did you planned this?!" I asked grinning widely. "We helped! My brother and cousins showed up. "Happy Birthday Janey! I love you!" Louis hugged me. "Thank you baby!" I said. "Well well well! 17 now ey young lady? Happy Birthday!" The twins said. "Thank you!" I kissed their cheek. "Hey!! What about me no kiss?" Draco pulled me "No!", "What?!" he exclaimed making me giggle and pecked his cheek.

"Jane!" I turned around and its the Golden Trio. "Happy Birthday!" They said. "Thank you Guys! Oh! When do we fight?" I asked. "We'll wait a few more. yea?" Ron said  "Okay! See ya!" I told them.

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