Im Right Here ❤️

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Johns room !

John: Are you okay ?

Nikki: Yeah ! I think just seeing how things happened again made me sick !

John: Or maybe the medicine that they gave you didn't settle with your stomach !

Nikki: Maybe I'm going to wash my mouth out I'll be right out !

John: Okay Hon !

She washes her mouth out and then goes back to lay down with John !

John: How do you feel ?

Nikki: I don't know weird my stomach feels empty !

John: You want some food ?

Nikki: Sure !

John: What do you want ?

Nikki: Um you pick please ?

John: Okay !

He calls down and orders her pizza and hot wings ! Then the food gets up to them and they eat !

Nikki: I feel like I haven't eaten in days !

John: Well you haven't eaten in two ! Oh by the way I called Vince he said you can be at work whenever you feel ready not only because of the crash but because of David and he sends his love and lots of hugs !

Nikki: Tell him I said thanks ! And I won't be out for long !

John: Nicole he said it was fine !

Nikki: Yeah but I know David he wouldn't want me to miss work ! He would want me to continue going ! I mean yeah I'm taking at least 3 more days then I'm going in to see if my body can handle the hits and everything if they can't then I take longer !

John: If you insist !

Nikki: I do besides being away from people and not being busy will only make me think about this and I just want to forget already !

John: I understand ! You done ?

Nikki: Yeah ! Again I know I shouldn't but thank you for everything !

John: Like I said anything and anything for you !

He said as he kissed her cheek ! And got up to put the plates outmoded ! After he goes in and lays done with her !

1 day later in the air port !

John: I'll see you in 5 months !

Nikki: Good luck !

John: If you need me I'm just a phone call away ! And if you feel like you need me there with you I'll drop what I'm doing and I'll come to you !

Nikki: John you don't have to do that it's not like we're together anymore

She said looming away with tears in her eyes !

John: But I want to ! I'll be here for you ! Like one songs says

All you have to do is call my name

No matter how close or far away

Ask me once and I'll come, I'll come running

And when I can't be with you, dream me near

Keep me in your heart and I'll appear

All you gotta do is turn around

Close your eyes, look inside

I'm right here

She hugs him and he hugs her back tight !

Nikki: John I love you !

John: I love you too now go you're going to miss your flight ! And be strong if you can't for yourself then do it for his parents for his grandparents for him be strong for me !

Nikki nods trying to contain her tears but fails !

John: It's okay ! Here

He said pulling out a little stuffed him ! Nikki sees it and laughs !

Nikki: My little mini John ! The one I got from a little girl at ring side fest !

John: Yeah haha I brought it for you just to keep me near you !

Nikki: I will now I have to go but thank you for being here and for this and if I need you I'll know what to do ! Bye ❤️

She said as she hugged him again !

John: Just a phone call away !

He said as she walked away with Brie, JoJo and Alex

On the plane Nikki is hugging her mini John when Alex sits next to her !

Alex: How you holding up ?

Nikki: A lot better thanks to my mini John !

She said and just as he's going to talk.

Alex: Nicole....

Nikki: I'm sorry excuse me she said running to the bathroom to throw up !

A few minutes later !

Brie: Nikki you okay ?

Nikki: Yeah I'm fine !

Brie: What's wrong ?

Nikki: I don't know must have eaten too late !

Brie: What time did you eat ?

Nikki: Umm I would say like around 2 am but I don't know I would have to ask John !

Brie: Okay well I asked JoJo to switch seats with you so I can take care of you !

Nikki: Okay thanks Brie !

They hug and go back to their seats !

The day of the funeral !

Everyone is speaking of David then it's time to put a rose on his grave Nikki being that she can't contain her crying she goes last and as she places the rose on his grave she faints...........

You're Mine ❤️(Sequel to Hit Me With Your Best Shot)Where stories live. Discover now