Chapter 13 (The Shadow Of The Sun)

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"How many golden leaves do we have? I want to go home!" Wailed Dandilionpaw. "Shh! We're bringing Flowerpaw back from the dead!" Snapped Seedspring.  Suddenly, Flowerpaw appeared. "Seedspring! Rivershine!" She whispered. "I missed you so much!" Rocky sulked in the corner. "I miss Feather!" He grumbled. Frostpelt rolled her eyes. "We all know you do." She sighed. Snowpetal pressed against Rocky. "At least she's happy with her father." She mewed gently. "She was happy with me!" Spat Rocky. Flowerpaw looked guilty. "Is this all my fault?" Her gaze dropped. "No!" Seedspring hissed. "None of this is your fault!" He mewed to his apprentice. Flowerpaw's eyes were filled with tears. "I'm so sorry Rocky!" She wailed. Rocky shrugged. "I guess it was her time to die." He responded.  "She was the shadow and you were the sun!" Mewed Rivershine. "I was the sun?" Flowerpaw shivered.  "How do you know?" "Violetwing had a vision of two cats, both fallen, I think it was you and Feather, one cast a shadow over the sun while the other was blocked." Explained Rivershine. Snowpetal looked nervous. "How?" She asked. "One is not as important as the other." Mewed Seedspring. Frostpelt rolled her eyes. Amberwillow hugged her kits tight with her tail as she joined the group.

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