The final challenge

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I set sail for England on the first ship and it was the same ship that I had arrived on. The ship had a different Captain though I asked Captain Nick Michaels what happened to Captain Ed Sampson. Nick said he died about eighteen months ago of a cause unknown. I kept to myself most of the trip back and started stringing some notes together writing a book is a big step forward for me. By the time I reached London, I had a rough draft but I realized that I would need help but as Lord Stanley had passed away.
I met his son Ashley he said he would love to help and also help with the book's launch.
After many months of editing then deciding what sketches to use for the launch from the hundreds I had drawn. I made many trips back and forth to the publisher then finally my book was finally ready to print. I met with Ashley at his club he was quite excited about the book and said that it is sure to be a best-seller. He then said that he would organize the book launch next week at the community hall. I will have billboard posters run tomorrow and have it announced in all papers.
I was glad I asked for his help he certainly knew this industry and I felt more confident now and some of his excitement was starting to rub off on me. The book launch day was a huge success the hall was packed by midday my hand was cramping from book signing. Then by five o'clock my signature was unrecognizable. I thanked Ashley then offered him a percentage of the book sales on top of paying for the publication fee. He said that there was no need I said it's only fair as his father gave me a percentage of the sales of my first mission. I sent a letter and a copy of the book to Governor Johnson and couldn't help wondering how things were progressing.

What to do next, the past seven years have been a real whirlwind how will I be able to settle down after that? I then remembered talking to an artist at the book launch he said that I had a real flair for art and should take it up.
He had a studio just near the hall and teaches three days a week. Art was something that I always wanted to try ink and charcoal drawings were a far cry from an oil painting. I found him Jason Hargreaves and booked some lessons. It was the strangest feeling standing in front of a large blank canvas with oil paints it was truly a new adventure.
What was going to happen, would I succeed or fail? I spent seven months learning with Jason the time went so quickly and my paintings were coming to life. Working with colors shades and shapes were very rewarding. I can see why there are so many artists. I spent several years painting and trying to find my own style but I couldn't decide on what I preferred to paint more bird's animal's landscapes or people. I settled down for a while but my itchy feet told me that it's time to make a move I returned to Washington and met Mike at his club for lunch. He said he loved the book and the title, Untamed and Uncharted I said that the title belongs to you as it's one of the last things you said to me over five years ago. I said how things are progressing now Mike he said just fabulously the settlement at the river is going ahead in leaps and bounds. Jake now has a trading post there Neil and Daisy has a bakery and many settlers have moved there.

There have been many prospectors finding gold there are established farms the river's length there were bigger and better boats are happening there. I was blown away with what Mike said and said I can't wait to see it for myself he said we have another trail now it is much easier. It is further but much quicker there are cabins along the way and you can travel on horseback.
I then went to see Brian and Kate at the bakery and diner they were doing well had two healthy boys and business was good. Brian said Neil and Daisy moved to the new settlement over twelve months ago. We have not been there as leaving the kids and shop is difficult I told them that I was going on the next trip and will fill them in when I return. I travelled with fourteen others on a well-beaten path; the group guide was Ashley McFadden a new pilgrim who lost his wife on the voyage last year.
He tried farming but found the solitude too much so he took on this role and meeting and helping new people was very rewarding for him. The trip was a real pleasure winding around through hills and valleys with magnificent scenery.
Stopping in the cabins overnight and we all took turns cooking meals on camp ovens. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the settlement when I was here last there were six small cabins now there was at least sixty. A hall church and of course Jake Morrison's trading post and Jamison's bakery. Ashley said you can take your pick of the empty cabins once pilgrims rest up here they stock up with supplies and take a boat down the river.

After refreshing up in my cabin I called in to see Neil and Daisy their bakery was full of customers so I waited my turn. Daisy was surprised to see me and said Neil was out fishing or hunting he starts baking early every day then leaves the shop to me.
She said please call back here for dinner we can catch up then as you can see as soon as newcomers arrive I am run off my feet.
I said great to see you then I then went to the trading post to see Jake. He had two young people serving his customers they said he was out the back then pointed me to a door. Jake was sitting in a chair writing out an order I said well haven't you got it easy he jumped up in surprise long time no see he said how have you been.
I didn't expect to see you back here I said that the urge to keep moving brought me back. You look like you are doing well now Jake he said yes these legs have seen too many mountains doc Langdon said I have arthritis so this is all I can do now.
We chatted for about an hour he said that the rapid growth has been overwhelming; I am not used to living in crowded places.I have been thinking of selling up and building a cabin in a nice secluded valley on the edge of a stream somewhere.
He said the Italian prospectors struck it rich then moved down south somewhere they said that they were going to build a casino. Jake said what are your plans now Brett I said to travel the river paint some of the scenery and then not sure but something will turn up. I am slowing up a bit myself I think that the past ten years are catching up with me. Jake said the best boat is the river princess it's fast comfortable and not overcrowded the pilgrims take the cheaper boats.

I dined will Neil and Daisy it was great seeing them so happy it's strange how people can travel halfway around the world to find the right place. They had a copy of my book on the mantelpiece Neil said we have both read it many times and were so glad to be part of the story. I spent two days there waiting for the boat the pilgrims and most of the townspeople gathered each evening to chat, sing and dance, it was a far cry from city life. Seeing people from all nationalities mixing and enjoying each other's company in the wilderness was a real pleasure. I travelled the river and all I had to do was soak up the magic views.
I had my oil paints and rolls of the canvas so my idle time was taken up by capturing some scenery.
The passengers were not aware of who I was and I wanted it that way this trip was just for me no paddling, navigation or stories.
I asked the riverboat captain if he knew of the two Italian prospectors Lou and Mario. He said yes they are big wigs now in St Louis they have a casino and are also the owners of this riverboat. I said great I will look them up I was surprised at the size of St Louis a bustling city in the wilderness. It wasn't hard to find Lou and Mario and they still looked much the same age had been kind to them. I met them in their casino at eleven on the morning that I arrived.
The look on their faces was priceless Mario said we thought you would never leave England again after what you have been through we both have your book and we're glad to see that we got a mention. Now we've got a lot of catching up to do stay here and we will tell you all about our story you may write a book someday and put the story of our rags to riches tale in it? Lou said after we left the raft we travelled up many streams following color they all fizzled out.

We dug a cave under a huge rocky outcrop to stay our first winter that was a tough time. We moved high up in a gully early in spring the trickle of water coming down kept producing we worked our way up the gully and found the source.
We spent months digging a mine and supporting it with timber the gold was fine so we had to build a sluice but there wasn't any water nearby. We built a dam in the gully then waited until spring to get water the sluice was made from tree bark and worked well. We stored the gold dust in animal hide and buried them in the mine we then travelled to Washington to get supplies and canvas bags for the gold. After working the mine for three more years the gold was gone we had enough anyway we were on our way back to Washington when we came across the village. To see that spring up there so quickly was mind-blowing Jake told us of the riverboat and here we are. Mario said what are you going to do now Brett I said that I am not sure I like it here Jake wants to sell the trading post maybe I will take that on. He said we are currently building a new boat you could leave to be the skipper.
I said that running a boat had never appealed to me Mario said while you're here why don't you map the Mississippi River it is a long river and maybe as long as Missouri. That thought had crossed my mind so three months later I had the task completed the river was not as long as Missouri but the two rivers which joined had a length which comes close to the Nile River

Please read Part 14. Time to settle down

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