Safe now

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We climbed up on the hay wagon then Clive the farmer dropped us to doctor Langdon, he checked us over and said that after all you have been through you are all in remarkable condition.You are dehydrated and suffering from malnutrition a good rest and good food will fix that, he then said for you to be able to paddle day and night for so long was remarkable how did you do that? Daisy told the doc of our diet of fungus she said the whole time eating it I never felt healthier more energetic and alive the doc said indeed it must be a super food. I said a good steak and three verges are for me tonight Brian said the biggest plate of Irish stew for me Kate said I need a good hot bath before anything else. Just then the Governor came in; all excited he had a huge grin on his face he rushed to me; he shook my hand well done to all of you Clive came and told me just after dropping you here.

I will arrange for clothes to be sent here I'll leave you in the hands of the doc we will meet tomorrow once you get some rest.
We will put on a hero's welcome now you will have the keys to the city and be pampered; I had no idea that there were so many people here just how they got word so quickly was astonishing. We were paraded through the streets in a decorated wagon it was the sought of thing I had only seen done with the royal family in London, after two days of rest and pampering, I met up with Mike at the club after filling him in on more details. He then asked me what my plans were now I said that it looks like we both have unfinished business this land needs to be tamed.
He said I know and I am working on that I said my charting of the Missouri River still needs to be done. I admire your spirit and determination Brett Mike said you were gone for more than twenty-four months in that time you have faced defeat many times. I said but I wasn't alone without the five of us working as a team we would have perished, Jake arrived back here and told of the massacre I then sent for Colonel Blake he has had some success in negotiations with the Indians further south, we need to establish a treaty the Indians outnumber us greatly if they choose war.
I fear that they will wipe us all out Jake has gone with Colonel Blake and a Garrison of troops I hope to hear back from them within the next few weeks. I said I need to spend time now documenting the events since landing here Mike said Alan Jones of the Washington Post has asked me if you want him to publish your story.

I know that once Lord Carrington hears of this he will want it if it comes to a price we will match his, what your travelling companions will do now Mike said I have not discussed their plans.This town is growing we need pioneering heroes like them here to inspire others, there's a new bakery being built with a diner I would like them to run it that way they would be in contact with the people, I will discuss it with them tomorrow Mike said. The next morning in my hotel room I then started documenting the events since first arriving here, I had just finished my lunch in the dining room when the Thompsons approached me.
All smiling Daisy said Brett you will never guess what has happened I said you had a meeting with the Governor Neil said so you know! I said he ran it past me yesterday, Brian said what an opportunity we have been wondering what we would do now.
Kate said it's been good all this pampering but we can't keep living on the generosity of others we must earn our keep. I said have you seen the shop, Daisy said yes it's great just across from the trading post-Kate said and we have our rooms upstairs.
Well, that's great I said Neil said what are you going to do now? I said I am documenting the events for publication as you were all involved, I will equally divide the profit Kate said I can't believe our luck what a difference a day makes.
Brian said will you go back to England then I said not sure yet I still have unfinished business charting the Missouri River, Kate said but that's madness I then told them of the military movement and a possible treaty.

Jake has gone with them they are expected back within a few weeks the first snows can't be far away now soon the area will be out of reach until next spring. I will wait until their return and make a decision then Ben Harper one of the trainers and, trading post owner then walked up to us. Then after congratulating us he asked if he could put the bow that I made from elk ribs on display in his store it will make a great conversation piece. I think that you will all be worldwide sensations once your story is published, I returned to my room to continue documenting the story which went on daily until I got word of the return of the troops.
I met with Governor Mike Johnson, Jake Morrison and Colonel Blake next morning it was quite a lengthy and informative meeting. Jake said the two French trappers who were left with the raft and the Scottish couple returned.
They had been exploring up the unnamed river when they returned they found the Scottish couple had been killed with arrows. Deciding that they needed to get back they followed the unnamed river they then crossed the mountains and returned, they came with us to show the way and were killed Colonel Blake said if it wasn't for Jake we would have all been wiped out.

We were following the river not far from where Jake said that the last raft was left, we were then flanked on both sides by hundreds of Indians outnumbered fifty to one. They charged and killed at least one-third of my command Jake then saw Hinmah he tied a white rag on the end of his rifle and approached him. We need to talk he said Hinmah said you were warned Jake why have you brought white men back here? Jake said my chief wishes to speak to your chief Hinmah said wait here I will ask him.
He soon returned and led us to a small weathered man mounted on a magnificently painted pony, we then spoke through Hinmah Jake held the white flag high by his side tell your chief that we have both lost many men here today.
You have us outnumbered can kill all of us but you will lose many more braves then other soldiers will come.
I have come here to discuss a way that we can live without war, the winter months are approaching your people struggle to feed themselves in this harsh time, I can supply you with grain to feed them and will do the same each year.
The chief spoke through Hinmah why would you do this? I said that I want you to allow some white people into your land they would be farmers settling on a small piece of land.

Some trappers taking a few furs and some prospectors looking for yellow stones. Your land is vast and the white man wishes to share a small part with you they can teach your people how to grow crops, you can stay in one place instead of having to move on to be able to find food. The chief said I have heard of the grain crops we lose many people each year in winter; I have a lot to consider the white man has driven many tribes from their settlements in the past, caused disease among others.
I will give you my answer in the spring, there will be no more killing here today you can return to your Governor Johnson tell him that chief Simahah did not want war but I am trying to protect the Nez Perce from the whites.
Mike said looks like we're going to have to wait to be able to tame and chart this place now Brett. I said that I have finally finished documenting the story the Washington Post will have the opportunity to publish it, you were right about Lord Carrington he sent a telegram, wanting to publish. I didn't get into the price I thought, this is the place where the adventure began I wanted to repay you for your hospitality to me as well as what you are doing for the Thompson's, having the story published at the place of your choice is the least I can do. I will now seek other mapping work I will contact you in spring if all goes well I will again attempt to chart the Missouri River if that is your wish? Mike said yes, Brett my thoughts exactly there are plenty of short term mapping contracts up in Canada and Alaska. I will get the details if you want I said fine, then within two weeks, I had set sail mapping, coastal inlets.
In early spring the following year I docked in Vancouver I sent a telegram to Mike leaving my contract address ten days later he replied. I have just received the word the Nez Perce will accept the treaty.

I travelled to meet with Mike to discuss the second attempt he said Jake and I have put some things together already Hinmah has arranged for six canoes and paddlers from his tribe don't look so horrified Brett you have done enough paddling to last a lifetime your job is the charts. I don't intend sending pilgrims again until we have charts and a better understanding of what is out there.
I dined with Mike and Jake that night we discussed the mission in detail I was happy with their plans so I accepted. Next day I called into the Bakery the Thompson's were happy and doing well Neil seemed to be restless though when I told him of the second mission he said how can I get to go with you? The next day we met up with Jake, he said love to have you along we will leave at the end of next week just the three of us my new scout Amour pack horses and supplies. Walking back to the Bakery, Neil asked do you think that you can ask for the bow back, I said let's go we walked into the trading post Ben said I heard that you are going Neil what does Daisy think of that? Neil said she said that I need to get it done I have found it hard to settle down after the last time, I said I have come to ask if I can take the bow again Neil has become attached to it he would prefer that to a rifle. Ben said sure bring it back you can see that it is hanging where all can see it next to the framed story I have arrows here take them as well.
We then stood in front of the bakery and I said we only have six days before leaving I need to get out on the training course Neil said me too let's meet there at six.

Please read Part 12       The second attempt

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