Cuddles and Editing

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an idea my friend _sour._.bappo_ on instagram gave me uwuw ilthem and ik you'll see this so hello :D

The day was peaceful and everyone except Swagger was in the living room having fun. Cam was sitting down with Toby's legs over his lap.

"So like, he was fucking tipsy and I wasn't right? But then I saw this one dude and I thought i remembered him from something so I went up, minutes after I come back, Mason was fucking gone from the table!" Cam explained a story, sassily clapping his hands. Toby spoke up, "Mason literally disappeared because I swear, I looked down at my phone for ONE MINUTE, and I look up, and then he's just gone." She said, amazement in her eyes. Mason and Jay were wheezing. Toby felt something vibrate and she felt around on the couch, soon grabbing a hold of Cam's phone. She sat up and poked Cam on the shoulder, putting the phone on his lap and Cam grabbed it, seeing that there was a text.

Swagger💗: Come. Right now. It's an emergency.

Cammy❤️❤️: Ok, im coming

Cam lifted Toby's legs off his lap and quickly stood up. "Eric's calling me." He said, and soon went upstairs to Swagger's room.

He knocked, but before he could even pull his knuckles away from the door, his hand was grabbed and he was pulled in. Swagger quickly stomped over to his desk, not letting go of Cam's hand until they got there.

"Cam, I'm fucking upset."

"Why's that, love?"

"The clips! The transitions won't work and I need help on subtitling but my fucking program is being SHIT right now!" Swagger whined and crossed his arms. Cam grinned and tried not to laugh at his boyfriend's angry state, and went to go sit in his seat.

Cam turned to Swagger, who was still making a little pouty face like the cute gremlin he is, and tapped his foot to the song playing in the room from the speaker. Cam pat his lap and opened his arms wide. Swagger uncrossed his arms and smiled, walking over and sitting on Cam's lap. Cam scooted back over to Swagger's computer, wrapping one arm around Swagger's waist and the other tapping away with the mouse and keyboard.

They sat there for hours in the same position, helping eachother out for Swagger's video. Sometimes one of the other boys would come in and ask if they need anything or ask what they're doing, but it was mostly Cam and Swagger just talking to eachother and editing restlessly before Swagger's deadline.

They finally finished and checked the time. It was only 7pm, and they've already had some food, so they uploaded the video, notified Swagger's fans, and soon relaxed and leaned back slightly into the chair. Swagger readjusted himself so that he was facing Cam, resting his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around Cam's hips. Cam grabbed one of Swagger's hands and intertwined their fingers together, using his other hand to gently stroke Swagger's hair.

"I love you." Swagger said, his voice slightly muffled because of his position. Cam smiled and chuckled, "I love you too, babyboy." Cam responded. He felt Swagger's face burn up and bury his face onto his neck, murmuring swears at him for using the nickname. Cam laughed, pulling Swagger closer to his body and and wrapping his arms around his hips.

Swagger looked up and at Cam quickly, still blushing. "Can I get-" Swagger was cut off with Cam's lips crashing onto his, I mean at least his request was fulfilled. Cam kissed all over Swagger's face, his cheeks, forehead, lips, neck, and shoulders, each kiss was given with a smile that he didn't take off his face, and Swagger loved every single one. Cam started to brush his nose near Swagger's jaw and chin, making Swagger giggle and start to laugh. "Cameron it tickles!" He managed to stutter out, Cam ignored him though, and continued to tickle Swagger, in which the poor shorter man was already in tears, pulling away and running/stumbling downstairs, Cam following closely behind.

They both ran around the couch and the others caught on and soon joined in, ending the night with a great tickle fight and a couple of movies.

this shit is what i like, makes me happy happy :)) its short but still good and kind of goofy lmao
(there might be a smut that i'll post soon, so watch for that ig)
ily all! <3

word count: 756

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