A Car, A Torch... A Tiger?

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"Good morning, guys!" Zack bellowed as he entered your hotel room, taking a look around before noticing you and Played quickly squirming around to not be seen sleeping in each other's embrace. He gave a smirk and didn't comment. Too bad Ivy and Carmen were right behind him.

Through her Boston accent, Ivy yelled very obviously. "Oh, Carm! They were cuddling!" She was bumbling about it as if it were her own experience. Carmen could only looked at you two before giving a sigh covered smile. "Late night, huh?"

She moved forward and closed the door behind her once everyone had entered. "I gave Gray over to some local police for now since we can't do much more investigation babysitting him. I just don't get what VILE would need me for..." Her hand lay resting on her chin in thought.

You spoke up. "VILE?" It didn't sound good. "It sounds like... Like an evil, underground villain industry. But those don't exist in real life, right?" You paused, hoping to either be corrected or enlightened. Zack rolled his eyes. "You mean like the government?"

It went quiet as Player shook his head. "Vile is the organization that Carmen grew up with before she escaped. They're master thieves and even have a whole academy dedicated to training them. They're real, alright. And they want her back."

It went quiet before Carmen stepped back in. "Thanks, Player. You're right. But don't worry, Paradigm, I haven't been caught yet." She took a sigh to contemplate how she'd even got here. "I can't believe they were able to get me."

"If you don't mind me asking," You started, darting your focus from Player to Carmen. "..How exactly did they grab you so easily and what did they do? Was Gray there?" These were fair questions but Carmen looked just as puzzled as you were.

She was silent for a moment before speaking again. "I...I'm not sure actually. I just remember my body going weak the instant that masked person grabbed me and then I was out like a light. Not one of my proudest moments." She disclosed the information with a frown and ended it with a sigh, shaking her head to gain her sense of mind once again.

"Regardless, they held me captive in that school for a bit but actually didn't bother to question me or anything. They took my weapons but didn't bother with my earpiece it was like-" She gasped, running out of the room and down the stairs.

Everyone followed suit after the red cloaked girl, her boots clacking against the floor and eventually the gravel of the hotel's parking lot. She was at a quickened pace toward the car but before she could reach it, an alarm sounded off from inside it and the windows burst with the pressure of flames.

"They wanted you to find me. They didn't want to capture me this time — just set an example. That's why-" She choked on her words from the fumes being exhausted from the burning automobile. Ivy and Zack pulled her back and covered her mouth. "That's why Gray was so weak! They don't want me yet."

"Perceptive as always, aren't you?" A snarky woman's voice called out from behind a corner, her sleek suit revealed as she stepped closer. Even with that mask, her blonde hair gave it away.

"Tigress." Carmen growled, getting to a better stance. Before she could do anything, Tigress lunged forward and Carmen threw her arms up in defence only to realize she was unscathed. It was your yell that brought her to thar point, turning to see Sheena's arms around your neck and Player's.

She walked backward slowly, her firearms pressed into both of your throats before she smirked. "You can have these back when you make up your mind, Black Sheep."

"Oh would you get over that? I'm not joining you guys! And blackmailing me doesn't make me want to help you." There was a collected fury behind Carmen's words, that scratched anyone who could hear.

When Carmen didn't immediately agree, Tigress wasn't surprised but still frowned. "I see. I tried to tell them this was a bad idea. Oh, well!" With the click of a button, her suit was propelled into the air and just as quickly a helicopter scooped her up along with you and Player. At that point, after having you in a chokehold for so long, it was very difficult to breathe and your vision went dark.

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