3. The Train 2#

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I wake up in the morning drenched in sweat. I had a lot of nightmares, all of which involved Cato killing me. I feel like I can't stop thinking about him since yesterday.

I get up and go into the bathroom. There's a lot of skincare products that we could never afford at home. I have a quick shower and put on vanilla lotion. I carelessly put my hair up in a messy bun and get dressed. I'm probably going to be dead in a week so no one will care how I look.

I go to breakfast, where everyone is already seated. Beetee and Rade are discussing his famous wire trap and Clariss is reading a newspaper. Her eyes immediately shoot up when she hears me arrive.

"Ah, finally you're here. I just wanted to tell you that we will be in the Capitol just in a few hou-"


I'm slammed into the wall by the table. I lay on the floor for a few seconds before deciding to stand up. I look around and see the front of another train through a wall, where it crashed into us.

A few moments later everyone gets up and we go outside, where the passengers of the other train are already standing.

And there I see him.

All clear in the morning sunlight.


Now I kind of regret my fashion choice of the day.

I see the drivers of the trains arguing. Clariss is behind me holding a phone, calling someone to come pick us up.

 I can't stop looking at him. Out of all the trains that could have crashed it had to be the ones from district 2 and 3. I don't really mind, but now that he's in front of me, I realize how nervous I am around him. He's taller than I thought he is. Probably at least 8 inches taller than me.

After looking at him for so long, I notice the girl next to him. She looks around my age, I think her name is Clove.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Rade asks me.

"Don't know. But probably we're going to the Capitol with the district 2 tributes," I say, trying to think what I would do if that happened. I don't think they would send a big train to pick us up, probably a hovercraft, so I need to prepare myself that I'm going to be in an enclosed space together with Cato. Ugh.. why am I so nervous around him?

I see Clariss practically dragging Cato and Clove to us. Probably to try and get us to talk. Cato eyes me down and smirks, causing me to blush hard, which makes him smirk even more.

"A hovercraft will come in 15 minutes" Clariss announces and then goes to talk to Beetee.

"Soo... you district 2?" says Rade, trying to start a conversation.

"Yep," answers Cato, still staring at me. What's his problem? He's not a mind reader, is he?

For the next 15 minutes we all stare at the ground, occasionally glance up to see if anybody else is looking.

Then I look up at the sound of the hovercraft descending above us. A ladder falls down to our feet.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go up!" I hear Clariss yell at us over the loudness of the hovercraft. First goes Clove, Rade, then me and lastly Cato. The ladder freezes my body when I put my foot on it.

Once we're all up in the hovercraft safely, it starts to fly away from the wreckage of the trains. I go sit down and Rade follows me. Cato and Clove go sit further away from us.

"Do you find the Careers scary?" Rade asks me with a whisper.

"Yeah... kinda," I answer. I glance at them and see Cato looking at me, again. It sends shivers down my spine.

For the whole flight to the Capitol there was silence, occasionally someone said something. When Clariss came to announce that we are in the Capitol, we all rushed to the window.

It was a magnificent view. There were tall weirdly shaped buildings everywhere. What we thought were colorful dots were actually people. Capitol people have a very weird sense of style. They wear colorful wigs and even dye their skin.

We landed next to a tall building, which was the training center, where we are also going to live for the next few days.

We all get off the hovercraft and Clariss and some other woman, who is I'm guessing from district 2, escort us into the building to an elevator. Clariss presses the buttons "2" and "3" and we stand in silence. When the elevator stops on the second floor, as he's heading out, Cato winks at me, but in a way that no one saw it but me. I blush, but try and hide it.

Now I'm really confused. This has to be his idea of a joke, because what else would it be? He definitely can't feel anything towards me. No, he's just messing with me. I shake my head a little to clear it out.

The elevator stops on the third floor and we get out. Clariss points us to our rooms and says, "Dinner will be in about three hours so you can do whatever you want."

I open the door to my room, that is even bigger than the one on the train. It has an amazing view of the Capitol, even though we're only on the third floor. I go and take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes. I sit down on my bed and turn on the TV. There's some kind of Capitol sitcom on, so I watch that. It's not as bad as I expected.

After three hours I head to dinner. Today they're serving carrot and fish stew with some bread on the side.

Clariss tells us that tommorow we will go to the remake center and then there will be the big opening ceremony of the games. I'm kinda scared of what costume they're going to put me in, because sometimes they can be really stupid.

After dinner I go to my room and watch a little bit more of TV and then decide to go to bed. Hopefully today will be a peaceful night.

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