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Chapter 43

Ellena's Point of View

"Where the hell were you?,cried Niall first thing after I sat down at my desk.

What's it with people and their mundane questions before my ass could even hit my office chair?

I didn't respond to him.He raised my chin,making me look up at him."Ya heard me?"

His perfectly coiffed hair fell between his eyes and he jerked his head in an attempt to move them off his face.When they didn't after multiple tries,he used his hand and straightened his hair.

"Can we eat please?",I said with squinting eyes."I'm really hungry."

He took my hand and I stood from my chair."Me too.I waited for you." Together we both left the office.

The elevator ride was silent with soft pop music playing from the overhead speakers.After a 5-7 minutes walk with Niall strutting alongside me,we arrived at a restaurant.

"Wanna have Mexican today?",he asked and I nodded.I just wanted food—be it Mexican,Indian or French.The server showed us to a table and we sat down.I reached for the glass of water that he just filled after greeting the two of us.

Niall placed the order for some tacos and quesadillas.

"You look troubled.Wanna talk about it?",asked Niall with his hands on the table in front of him.

I sighed."Tristan my ex,met me today.He called me out of the blue and wanted to meet."

"Did he do something to you?Are you alright?" I saw his fists clench and Niall went red in the face.

"He didn't do anything.He's getting married in two weeks and wants me to be there.",I mumbled with disinterest.

"You're not going,are you?",asked Niall with his tone rising.

"No!Of course not!He gave me this." I reached into my bag and fished out his envelope and I gave it to Niall.

He opened it and carefully read the document.I decided to munch on the nachos that were on the table.

"In St. Barts?Really?",he exclaimed.

"I know,right!?It's so dumb,isn't it?",I said mouthfull as I wiped a little salsa off my lips.

"No it isn't.",he said looking up and I shrugged."Well!! We're going,aren't we?",continued Niall,excited.

"What?!....and we?We're not going and definitely not you."

"Come on,Ellena.",he continued."Widen your thoughts.We should go for this.Let's go on a...... a vacation."

"Are you out of your friggin' mind?",I barked.

"Ellena,it'll be fun.Few days in sunny St. Barts will do us good."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm sure you've never been to St. Barthélemy and neither have I.This is the perfect time to go.The weather is good,girls sunbathing maybe even naked people on the beach,you never know.",he grinned.

"Niall,I'm not a lesbian.I don't want to see naked women.I've seen you naked and that's enough.",I spoke as I slapped my palm on my forehead.

"That was good,wasn't it?" His usual smirk came back on his face and I rolled my eyes.

"Please Ellena!Let's run away for a few days.I can run away from Lana and you,from your friends.We can have sex on the beach,get drunk as fuck and behave like we have no responsibility whatsoever."

"Well,it does sound fun but the only problem is,I won't be running from my friends.I'll be bumping into them all and a few dozen people who I hate or don't know."

"Well,I never said to go for the wedding.We can be there at the same time.It's not gonna be a problem."

"Niall.",I sigh and he looked a little sad,"Well,if you insist so then I'm in.I....I guess this will be fun."

"Yeah baby!!",he yelled earning a loud pitched laugh from me.People were staring at us which made me laugh futhermore.

Dear Lord,what mess have I gotten myself into?!


A week prior to our departure to the Caribbean Islands,Niall and I went shopping.He insisted that he'd want new swimwear so he could look sexy on the beach and attract other girls.Truth be told,that actually enraged me;I felt jealous.

I didn't want him to lay his hands on another woman when I was right beside him.I felt insecure the moment I'd hear the name of another girl from Niall's mouth.

I silently picked out my bikini while Niall strolled around looking for his swim shorts.

I was going to pick something that would reveal my cleavage or my body....or even something obscene just to have all of Niall's attention channeled towards me.There's no way in Hell I was gonna let another bitch get in the way.

At first,I wasn't very keen to be going to St. Barthélemy but after Niall convinced me,I felt like I should listen to him.He was always right and now I saw this as an opportunity to bond with him;spend some time with him.Just the two of us,like two friends on a vacation but with sex involved.

Ever since Niall said he booked our tickets,he tells me everyday that he has planned a surprise for me in St. Barts.After countless attempts to guess it,I still failed.This surprise gave me another reason to go with him.

As I continued to move around the aisles,I picked out some shorts and free-flowing beach dresses that would look beautiful on the island.After almost walking around for two hours,Niall and I had decided what all we wanted to buy and we closed in at the counter.

"We still gotta begin our packing.",smiled Niall as our clothes were being scanned."Let's begin to pack some tonight."

"I agree.",I said.He smiled and pulled me in a hug.

"Oh Ellena!This is gonna be a fucking amazing vacation! I can hardly wait!!",he exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Me too." I just prayed that no drama would unfold on that romantic island.I just wanted one stress-free vacation.

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