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Chapter 51

Niall's Point of View

The motorboat pulled into a tiny jetty that had many other boats floating near by.The driver instructed us to get off and head on with the tour.He would be waiting for us on the other end of the cave.There was a group of 15 people,including us.

The guide gave us the instructions regarding behaviour inside the cave and then lead the tour on.

"If you leave my hand in that dark and scary cave,I will fucking castrate you,Niall James Horan.",whispered Ellena with utter seriousness on her face.I immediately grabbed her hand and made sure I didn't leave it under any circumstances.

Ellena,afraid of motorboats and dark caves... oh yes,bats too.Adorable.

There were neon strips on the floors indicating the path to follow.There was utter silence except for the sounds of water dripping,wings flapping overhead and the bats chittering.

"Oh how I hate this musty smell.This doesn't give me good vibes.",she whispered and I shushed her.

"Please do not use flashlights and keep all mobile phones away.",spoke the guide from the front.

As I was walking,I bumped my foot into something on the ground,presumably a rock and Ellena's hand slipped out of my grip.

"Niall....",she called out."Niall,where are you?" I could a faint figure of Ellena in the dark with her arms restlessly searching for me.She gasped as I took her hand."Please don't let go."

I promise I won't.

We continued to walk further until Ellena screamed making my blood run cold."Oh god!Something fucking brushed my feet.",she screamed again.

"Ma'am,it's alright.Must be some leaves.Keep moving on.Keep walking people.",called the guide.

"If plants weren't useful to man,I swear I'd shred that leaf that touched me.",she mumbled in the dark making me giggle out of control.

She was one clumsy being.

"Why doesn't this damn cave come to an end?",she grumbled again.

"I'm enjoying this.",I said."It's something new to experience." I heard her scoff in the darkness.

There was a fluttering of wings over us again as we continued to walk on.

"Who was that?.....Who's that bitch who stepped on my toes?!",spat Ellena and I could imagine her pissed-off face.

Those raised eyebrows,the cuss out of her mouth,and the occasional clenching of fists.I had observed her well.I'd like to say no one knows her like I do.

"Um...it was me.Sorry.",I replied holding in another laugh but it eventually escaped.

"Ugh Niall." She slapped my arm in the darkness which I found to be very cute...yet again.

Ellena continued to grumble about her hatred for caves and dark places as well as winged animals,especially bats that she didn't pay attention to where she was walking and bumped into the cave wall.A wet and slimy cave wall and then I didn't hear the end of cuss words until we weren't out of the cave.

"Finlly we're out of that!",she said as we walked back to the boat.

The other couple had beat us to it.I helped my 'girlfriend' climb into the boat and after we were all settled in,it sped off.

"So,where are you guys from?",I asked trying to make conversation.

"I'm from Chicago whereas my wife is from Montréal."

"Oh that's great.We're both from New York." Ellena sat close to me with her glares on but...I think she's asleep.I can't tell.

Suddenly,the boat's engine cut off and there was eerie silence.Ellena lifted her glares."Why did we stop?",she asked looking worried."Oh fuck,did we run out of fuel?"

"I thought you were asleep."

"I wasn't asleep Niall.Who sleeps with their eyes open?!!I'm not a frickin' penguin!"

"Okay...okay,calm down."

"Look there.",pointed the driver and all of us turned our heads in the direction of his hand.

"Dolphins!",cried Ellena.

"A whole school of them.",said the man beside me.

Not very far from where the boat had halted,we could see a school of dolphins leaping in the water.

"They're so beautiful.",whispered Ellena to me and I nodded.The dolphins continued to leap yards away from us until they all disappeared in the water.The water became calm as ever with just a light gust of wind blowing.The driver restarted the engine and we set off on our way.

Half an hour later,the boat docked at the port of Mainland Kingston and we got off after thanking the driver for the memorable journey.Ellena and I were starving so we visited a little shack on the beach that looked very much like a local restaurant and enjoyed some barbecue.

My watch read 15:35.We still had some time until the ship would leave so we found ourselves strolling around the city,walking from street to street and checking out shops.Nevertheless,we bought more clothes.At 17:30,I hailed us a taxi that was willing to plow the 20 minute ride to the cruise terminal.

"How did you like Jamaica?",I asked her on the way to the ship.

"It's good.It's really nice.I might come back next year but not go to those damn caves again.Maybe mountain trekking this time."

That was it.I was pleased that she had enjoyed the day,nevertheless I had too.It was a fun-filled day with laughter and Ellena.Just everything about her was mind blowing.

We reached the terminal by 18h and got on board in time for a 19h departure.We spent some time in the room watching TV or talking.I heard the ship blow its horn and I suggested we go up on deck to watch the sunset.

There was live music playing and some people were dancing.Others were standing by the rails or relaxing on the chairs with a book in hand or asleep.The setting sun in the distance bid us goodbye with its golden hues that gradually disappeared under the horizon as the ship pulled away from the harbour and headed towards the open ocean,leaving behind Jamaican soil.

"What do we do now?",questioned Ellena as we stood by the rails,the sea breeze blowing into our faces.

"Well for starters,I've heard there's karaoke night tonight.Wanna head there?"

She agreed and off we went.

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