UNDERTALE: Sans Fangirls

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Oh, where do I even start with this one...

You see, there are people who deal with situations there responsibly, and there are some who handle it irresponsibly.

In every fandom, there are always those girls who literally want to prove that their certain character is the best.

*COUGH* me with mermaid sisters  *COUGH*


Most of the toxicity come from Sans fangirls.


Girl 1: My favorite character in Undertale is Sans.

Girl 2: oMg No SaNs Is MiNe KeEp yOuR fIlThY hAnDs To YoUrSeLfFfFfFf!?!!?

You see, the toxicity.


I was just in a mood to update so why not?

Bye bye then!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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