Chapter 7: The Request

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Days past and there was no news about her, I tried to visit the hospital she's in but she ordered not to let any visitors in, except her mom. I stayed on their balcony until 8 pm everyday trying to check if she's home, but no one's in there. I'm getting crazy every day, I can't stop fidgeting like an idiot, I can't even put my shits together. The last time I saw her she's in a very bad condition, if I only knew she won't allow me to see her again, I should've stayed that night when her mom told me to go home and rest.

"Any news about her yet?" Edmund asked sipping the can of cola, keeping his gaze to nowhere.

"None, all I knew is she got discharge today but no one's home yet." shaking my head finishing up my own can of beer.

"You should rest dude, I'll wait here if you want me to." I said glancing to the house.

"No, I wanna be the first guy she'll see when she got home, I won't give up on her even if she keeps on pushing me away."

"Very sloppy." he mocked.

"Whatever Edmund, you'll understand me soon if you find yourself a real girl for you." I snap at him.

"Hey! Those are real girls, with real humps and plumps." He then do that curvy gesture like shapping a body of a girl.

"Wasn't talking about your manwhore life." I hit his head with the can.

"Hey! Careful with the hair!" he laugh then quickly his expression change looking at me seriously, "But dude, honestly you need to rest and shave, you look like bearded shit."

"Thank you so much, I'll take that as a compliment." I sarcastically answered.

It's already pass 8 pm and I was about to leave the bay when an unfamiliar car arriving beside the house.
Watching as it parks and completely comes to halt. I stayed longer to check if it's her but sadly to my disappointment, a raven haired girl with a familiar colored eyes same as Xia's, went out of the car holding a large box.

Shaking my thoughts I sighed. This is all just in my head maybe she just wants to camp out, slowly as I could I turned my back and started to walk away.

"Hey you! The man who can't be move!" I don't know if shes referring to me but I turn around anyway, glancing around then points to myself. "You're Francis?"

"Yeah, how d'you know me?" I nod hesitantly.

"Uhh... Well not really, but I'm Margaux." she held her hand and I slowly shake it with mine, "Aunt Melinda sent me here to look after the house while they're away and she told me that if I happen to see you here, Im gonna tell you that she said and I quote 'Francis, Xianon requested that we should stay at the city for a while and tell him not to worry about us, Xianon's fine' end of quote, so I should get inside and you go home shoo shoo... Bye!" she was about to leave but I got one question left.

"When will they come back?"

"That mister, I don't know... Now, chaio!" but her eyes tells a different story, I know she know it.

I just sigh and choose to now push any further, My feet felt so heavy walking away from the house bringing the news with me. Well at least Xianon's fine... but what if she never comes back? What if her condition gets worse then she'll leave and I won't be able to say goodbye? I can't let her leave me like this. I look back to see if Margaux is still outside and gladly she is, dragging the large box. I run back and take the box from her.

"Can you give me her Address?" I ask giving her a pleading look.

"No!" she snaps, "Clearly Xianon doesn't want you to go after her, so why bother? Besides she said she'll be back so you just have to patiently wait lover boy." she rolles her eyes at me.

"I can't." it almost come out like a whisper from my mouth.

"Well you have to, you see she just wants you to live your life normally before she gets worse, and by that time she'll be needing all of your attention, so for now you should start doing what she wants and live without her." she explains.

"You know it's not that simple, she's the only one I look forward to see everyday." that words comes out in honesty.

"Mmhmm, for the recored you still got your friends and family, you just met her for half a year, having Xianon was just a bonus jackpot." she shrug, then starts to carry the box towards the house.

"Can you just give me her address? I promise I will not show myself, I won't get caught I just need to see her Margaux, I'm getting nuts having no news about her and I miss her." I said following her, "Please, I'm begging you just let me see her for a while even from a far, please."

"Oh god don't do that." she said stopping at her tracks, she drop the box to the front porch steps, while shes like debating and weighing something inside her head, she then grunts and throw her hands up as if she gave up. "Alright! Fine! but if you ever get caught, never mention my name." she said pointing at me and to herself.

"I won't, I swear." I drew a X in my chest to assure her.

She nods and pull out a paper and pen from the box. She then handed me the paper. Margaux finally gave me the address which I paid $4, because see said it's for the payment of her broken promise to her aunt and a form of assurance that her name won't be mentioned if ever I get caught, I just need to check if Xia's really fine. Cause if another day passes by and I still didn't get to see her, I'll be crazy.

"Just please Edmund come with me and help me find her!" When I thought Margaux is hard to please, Edmund makes it harder for me.

"I already told you I won't, it's sunday." He said shaking his head.

"What about Sunday?" I crossed my arms as he sink lower to his seat.

"I have to take my turn as a life guard, I just can't trade money and bikinis for my bestfriend's hunting game." he explains.

Edmund looks like he already made up his mind, so I've got no choice but to throw the only Ace I left ,this is the only possible way to get his mind to change. I pursed my lips then exhaled as I start.

"Okay so Xianon's cousin, Margaux is now tending the house and I swear she's as hot as Xia, well much hotter with a black shiny  hair, she gave me the address." Okay I lied Xia's hotter... for me. But I know Edmund's obsession with dark haired girls so I have to do this.. sorry Margaux.

"What? You didn't tell me about a cousin!" he gasp and sat straight as I internally smirked.

"Why would you care?" I shrug and turn my back on him "You won't be going with me anyway." then I look at him over my shoulders.

"Did I said something like that?" he said acting as if he really forgot what he just said.

"Yope." I said faking a frown. "Money and Bikini's remember?"

"I did not! Oh my fracking god, since when did you learn to make up such stories! I'm your best friend." he put his hand on his chest while acting like he's hurt and offended. "You're a liar Francis!" he points at me then got up from his seat then walk out.

"Oh really now? You don't get to walk out from me!" I followed him to the hall and grab his shoulder, "You really said no a while ago." I said laughing.

"Did not!" he insisted with wide eyes.

"Did too." I retort back.

"Did not!" he answered already frowning crossing his arms.

"Did too." I said trying not to laugh at him.

"Okay fine! I did say no, but that was a-while-ago." then he gave me his signature smirk, walking away from me he look back walking backwards, "See you tomorrow, Pope. DONT BE LATE!" he shouted when he's far enough bumping to someone in the process.

I just chuckle and shake my head as I continue to head to my next subject, that jerk...

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