Chapter 8: The Flight

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It's was a long drive. It was past 9 o'clock when we arrived into the address Margaux gave me that leads us to a small quite village. We intentionally stop a few houses away and keep hidding behind the bush to avoid being caught. Glancing around to look for familiar faces. I stop and release a heavy breath when I catch an image of Mrs.Pearson talking to a woman her age signifying that we're in the right destination. Rummaging my eyes further to look for Xianon but unfortunately she's out of sight. Well maybe she's inside that house. We froze for a moment and then quickly hide our faces when we see a couple taking their late morning jog, eyeing us suspiciously. When they're out of plain sight I exhaled sharply and continue crawling.

"Why can't we just walk in there and say our hellos and goodbyes so that we don't need to crawl in the footpath like stray dogs looking for food cause I swear this is so not attractive for the girls who might see me." Edmund whines in whisper, I just shot him a look ordering him to shut up.

"Stop thinking about girls for a fucking while Edmund!" I said making my move closer to the house.

"I can't!" he said following me, "Have you seen the woman's body? they make my brain works artistically."
"Correction ! It's Maniacally." I huff.

"D'you really need me here? Cause if you're just going to be mean to me, I'm going home." He pursed his lips and wrinkled his eyebrows together in a frown.

"You sound like an upset little girl.." I said chuckling.

"Oh that's it, Im really going home." he said standing up while dusting his pants.

I let him walk away from me cause I know he'll come back for the deal weve made for him to meet Margaux and have a formal introduction. Just like expected when he reach the fifth house and then he pivots and walk back to me, dropping his self on the cement street he sat beside me angrily, still frowning.

"I thought you told me you're going home?" I teased.

"Naah, I got my new shoes on I don't want to mess it up." Oh really now? or you mean to say chick instead of shoes.

"Or you can just say, you really wanna meet Margaux. " I wriggle my eyebrows at him to irritate him further.

"Shut up!" he snapped, "I don't know where to go, okay? How can I head home without any form of transportation? It's not about her don't push it."

I was about to answer Edmund again to make fun out of him, We both freeze when we felt water drizzles above us like someone is watering the plants... or not.

"Get out you two!" A familiar voice said, when we didn't move she shouts again, "NOW!!! "

Hesitantly we obliged her and stand up red handed from sneaking all the way here and when we turned to see who soaked us with water. I froze, seeing her angry green eyes staring through my very soul. While Edmund just smirked and excused himself running towards Mrs. Pearson, who's now shaking her head.

"I thought Margaux already told you not to come after me?" she started as soon as Edmund is out of earshot and we are the only people left standing outside.

"Babe I just wanna see you!" I said wiping my soaked face with a handkerchief.

"Oh guess what? News Flash, I don't wanna see you!" she looks really mad, "What's so hard not to understand Francis, I want you to stay away from me!"
"But why? What did I do?" I felt my heart crack when she said it.

"You already did everything, It's my turn to do something." she turns her back from me.

"By what? Running away from me? Is that what I deserve? Isn't that too cynical?" I move and walk in front for her to face me.

"Selfish?! Francis I'm doing this for you! I want you to be free from the burden that I'm giving you! My situation became your responsibility and I don't want that! You're too young to be in your place right now." her tears are attempting to fall from her eyes again.

"How many times do I need to tell you?! You're not a burden for me! You are my blessing! I will stay where I wanna be! And I choose to stay here with you, I wanna fight with you Xia, why won't you let me?!" I ask already tired of her pushing me away.

"Because I'm dying and I don't wanna leave you hanging Francis and if I am really selfish, I can let you be with me I'll keep you even if I know I'll just hurt you and leave you longing for infinity. But I dont want that, you're a good guy and all I wanted for you is to be happy with or without me."

I feel my own nose sting, tears starts to blur my visions. My knees getting weak ready to fall in front of her. I bow my head and a sob manage to escape my lips. My chest feel so heavy hearing her talking like this. Why can't we just be happy?!

"I can't be happy without you..." is all I managed to say between heavy sobs.

"You will be, you've just met me Francis. Now do me a favor, be a man and promise me that I won't see your face here ever again."

"I cant Xianon, you know I can't.... please don't do this." I cried, shaking my head.

"Promise me!" her tears fell down like raindrops on her face, mirroring mine as her forest green eyes darkens.

"I thought you said you'll come back to Black Oak?" my heart crumpled like a piece of paper, remembering the things Margaux said.

"I lied! Okay? I lied!" she wiped up her tears. "I'm not coming back, Ever."

"And if I didn't come all the way here, I wouldn't know?" I wipe my tears with the back of my hand feeling my anger rise from my chest.

"I didn't tell you to come here!" She snap, giving me a death glare.

"That's the point! D'you hear yourself? Why would you say you'll come back when you won't Xianon? Why can't you just tell me the truth?!" I slowly drop myself on the cemented street unable to hold back my emotions anymore while sobbing heavily.

"Cause it's better off that way!" the moment she said that my palms balls into fist, seeing how my knuckles turns white. I inhale and fight back those tears. Slowly standing I didn't look at her in the eyes.

"Better of what?" I tried my hardest not to let any tear fall down my eyes again. "Better off making me wait for you? Better of making me believe that you'll come back when you won't? How's that for the 'I don't wanna leave you hanging' a while ago,  you know what? Fine! I'll stay away if that's what you want, I won't come back, and I promise you'll never see me again, that's what you wanna hear right? FINE!"

I walk pass her and called Edmund inside the house when I see him through the doors, I turned to give Xia a look, as I turn my back from her and walk towards the new car, I don't care if Edmund's behind me anymore, all I'm feeling is pain, anger and frustration. I just wanna leave away from her, away from her. My love for her is too much, I just can't believe she said that I never saw this one coming. It doesn't sound like her or I guessed I don't really know her. When I thought we'll fight together, I thought wrong.

"What happened?" Edmund ask soon as he's in the passenger seat.

"I made a mistake." gripping the steering wheel tight making my knuckles white as I started the car.

Gladly Edmund didn't push any further. As I drive of I didn't bother to look behind. I can't, not now.


Uh-oh! Is it really the end of their relationship?

Will Francis keep his promise and never show up again?

What will happen to the both of them?

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