Chapter Fourteen

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     The sunlight was coming through the windows and Cordelia could hear the same streets from the night before buzzing wildly, regardless of the time of day. She eagerly tore back the covers and sprung from bed, looking forward to resuming her conversation with Charles from last night, and perhaps sneak in a few more kisses before, during, and after breakfast, if she could get ready early enough. She called for a maid, and sat down before her room's vanity while her outfit was pressed and her dark hair was neatly pinned around her face. 

     "Are you alright miss?" The young woman ironing her dress asked, noticing Cordelia's tapping fingers and shaking leg, "You seem a bit jumpy." Cordelia's fidgeting ceased, and she tucked her hands in her lap, embarrassed. 

     "Oh yes I'm fine, thank you," she said, but she was lying. She was more than fine, she was over the moon with excitement. Somewhere in this house, the man she loves was waking up and beginning his day, and hopefully she was on his mind as much as he has been on hers. She could hardly sleep a wink last night thinking about the events between her and Charles that had transpired, as well as what to do now that they both have expressed their feelings for each other.

     Thoughts like elopement to Gretna Green and a small civil ceremony at a courthouse in London had passed through her head, but she had sensibly decided to wait to hear Charles' opinion on the matter before she did anything extreme. The bottom line was, however, that she was in love, and all she wanted right now, more than anything, was to start the next chapter of her life with her new love as soon as she could. 

     She made sure her maids set out her favorite day dress for today, and she felt like a shiny penny as she made her way down Lord Elderwood's elaborate front staircase. Her perfect morning was immediately halted, however, when she heard an all-too familiar voice interrupting the tranquility of the house with it's volume and stern tone. 

     "I don't care if he's asleep, I'm here to see my daughter, not Lord Elderwood." Cordelia would've retreated back up the stairs to the safety of her room if a squeaky board on the stairs beneath her hadn't betrayed her presence to the men debating in the foyer below. They both turned to her, and she felt like she was a little girl again, and her father had caught her with her hand in Mrs. Beadles' jar of sweet treats. 

A/N: Sorry I know this gif is dramatic but you get the point, right?

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A/N: Sorry I know this gif is dramatic but you get the point, right?

     "Cordelia Gardiner, would you care to explain yourself please?" Lord Alfred exclaimed, setting down his briefcase and staring angrily into Cordelia's eyes. No use hiding up here, she thought to herself, and she continued her descent towards her father down the staircase. 

     "Father," she said, giving him a kiss on each cheek and bracing his arms softly. "I didn't expect to find you here," she tried to stop her tone from sounding too petty but she couldn't help herself. 

     "And I didn't expect to find my daughter had made the front page of London's gossip paper, but I suppose the day is full of surprises, isn't it?" Cordelia's breath caught in her throat, and she wished Charles had risen for breakfast already so that he might offer his assistance. Instead of Charles coming down for breakfast as she had hoped, Lord Elderwood was headed downstairs, right in the middle of their conversation. 

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