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"Will you marry me?"

   A wide smile spread across Cora Prescott's face. "Of course, Andrew!"

   Her now-fiancé rose from his kneeling position and laughed gaily, his eyes sparkling. "I can't wait to make you Mrs. Brooks." Then he slipped the ring on her finger and the eighteen-year-olds made their way across the quiet coastal town of Hastings to tell his parents the wonderful news.


    Ellie and Tom Brooks were in their sitting room that evening. The news cycle was all in an uproar and Tom wanted to hear about it, but their old radio wasn't working.

   "This blasted box!" The forty-one-year-old man simultaneously pounded on the appliance and ran a hand through his dark hair. The radio continued to crack and fizzle.

   His wife stood by, with a drink in hand. "Darling, if you would just buy a new one, we wouldn't have this problem."

   "I just need to-" he pounded on the radio one last time and it sprang to life. "There."

   Ellie rolled her eyes. Her husband had a knack for yelling at misbehaving household objects. She looked up as she heard the back door open. It was her son and...Cora Prescott. Now, Ellie didn't particularly like Cora, but she had forgone unnecessary rivalry to ensure her son's happiness. She trusted him, if not the girl he loved.

   "Mum, Dad, we have something to tell you. We're-"

   "Wait a moment, I want to hear this." Andrew's father pointed at the shabby radio.

   It began to emit sound for a moment, but then it digressed into a fizzle and crackle once more. "Oh, you dam-"



   "Listen! Cora and I are, well, we're getting married."

   Both of his parents stared for a moment then: "Congratulations, son. I'm really, truly, proud of you."

   Ellie Brooks flinched and set her drink down. How could it have been so soon? How could she have let this happen? "Yes, that's lovely. Now, Tom darling, I need a smoke. Care to join?"

   Her husband looked at her questioningly but he nevertheless followed her outside. They both sat on the low garden wall in their yard.

   "So," Tom said vaguely.

   "So, I don't approve of Cora. I never have. She always looks at me like I'm the devil or something similar. I also don't think that he's ready for marriage."

   "You can't wait to tell me this at the eleventh hour! They're already excited and he's bought the ring and asked her father. It just wouldn't be right to try to stop it now. I'm sorry, love."

   "I know. I'm just angry at myself for not trying to stop it when I could have."

   "Ellie, Cora is a nice girl. You'll see. Just give her a chance."

   His wife nodded. "I'll try."

   Tom gazed at his wife for a moment, appreciating the way the moonlight bounced off of her chestnut hair. "You know you're beautiful, Mrs. Brooks."
   Ellie's eyes met his and she smiled. After all these years, she and he still loved each other exactly the same.

   As he got up to go inside, she stopped him, putting a hand on his arm. "Wait! What happens when they find out we don't smoke anymore?"

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