Gotcha Bitch.

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Demi's POV.

" Got ya bitch " i say smiling.

" Watcha doing there Dr Creeper kil- " i stopped myself from giggling, Skye was giggling too and i looked at her and raised an eyebrow signaling for her to stop.

" don't you maybe think it would be best if you got your long ass hands off of this student ? " I said to Taylor.

" shut up you don't even know what was going on " she takes her hand off of Skye and starts walking up to me.

" you know i never liked you, cow ! " she goes to punch me, i moved to the side so effortlessly and Skye grabs her fist.

" what the fuck are you trying ? why wold you make this Even Worse for yourself ? " Skye says exaggerating the E and W in even and worse.

" ahhhhhhh " Taylor starts getting chased out the room by me and Skye.

" Stop ! Please.. " Taylor says crying in the middle of the hall, I walk over and hit Taylor.

" Dont Ever put your Boney, long, sausage hands on Skye Ever Again. Do I make myself clear Ms ? " i say angrily.

" fuck off Demi, you will never win "

i kneel down to her and quietly say to her " sweetie this isn't one of your sad little minecraft games, okay ? this isn't when a fucking zombie starts hitting you and you whip out your golden sword to save yourself "

" Actually the golden collection is probably as weak as the wooden collection and everyone knows the wooden collection is the weakest " she says.

" what the fuck are you talking about ? " i say laughing.

" oh hunni that so upsetting " Skye says.

" now were all going to go hoe and pretend like none of this happened and if you try anything again the video is getting shown to the police and you will probably be jailed, ok ? ok ! see yous tomorrow " I say walking away to the main doors to go home.

Fuck me. (teacher x student x smut)Where stories live. Discover now