the return

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3 years earlier (just to clarify in case you can't grasp this concept, this part of the story takes place before taylor starts are Robloxian high)

Taylor's POV
The ground crumpled beneath me, i tried to hold on to the gravel, i was being pushed, I felt the cold grasp on death latch on to me as it tried to take me. "NO" i scream. I try to level myself and pull myself up but the moshlings just laugh, the call me dense and ugly. I can't let them win. IGGY looks at me with his tongue sticking out slightly, he just bounces on the one spot and laughs to himself. I simply decided right there i wasn't going to die, not like this, i want a second chance.

So just like that, i decided death wasn't for me, i sprung up and kicked iggy in the face, fishlips and Octo spin round and try to attack me, Octo with his pufferfish tendencies and fishlips with the sucking motion surround me, i tense up. Feeling as though there's no escape when suddenly i see a rock near me, i grab it and use it to my advantage. I emerge from the shadows and come in to the light. I could really use some porridge right now.
Ah! At last! A second chance, i feel so grateful.
Am i in heaven ? all i can see is light. A small moshling by the
name of Mr Snoodle, he guides me to a small room. I see a sheep. Mr snoodle sighs deeply, he says "listen taylore sweft, i know this is a lot to process're dead. I think you thought you escaped moshlings ? but really you were in a coma and were fighting off doctors who were trying to hook you on to life support. Someone by the name of demi lovato had gone crazy, i think they were your friend, well they went crazy after singing to an alien and hit you over the head with a rock...this is heaven. I don't think it's your time to go, i'm going to give you a second chance to get revenge on that bitch, ok good luck material gworl
#purrr #chanelboots"

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