The Doctor

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"RUN!"He shouts (best friend) had already ran off by this "get everyone out of the building now."he says you nod and run off "every one out NOW!"you yell there was mutters

"NOW!" everyone ran out.

You ran back to the doctor he looks at you "and you, run for your life."He says

You raise an eyebrow "your not gunna get rid of me that easy Doc,"you say

he smiles you smile back

"Well it's your chose,"

"Yes it is,"you say

a hole bunch of Robots came out they yelled "Delete, Delete, The Doctor!"

"What about the Girl?"one asks

"get her she can be upgraded."

"upgraded?"you ask in shock

he holds up the sonic screwdriver blowing a couple of them up

"What are they?"¥ou ask

"Cybermen."he says running down the halls and into the main room "and they'll upgrade anything that isn't one of them I mean it's nicer than the Darlex."he says

"the who?"

"never mind you'll meet those later."

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