Chapter 1

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Steve Rogers. Captain America. America's Golden Boy. Soldier.


Of course, no one outside of the compound is allowed to know that. He has to keep up his image. The most accepting people are the team.

When Steve first heard he was being recruited for an elite team of superheroes, he thought it would just be a bunch of Alphas. But he was very wrong. The only alpha is Clint, who had already mated with Nat. Bruce was a beta. And the entire rest of the team was omegas.

Despite no one being able to know their designations, the team still-

"C'mon, Steve. Cut the whole 'narrator to our lives' thing."

The entire team chuckled from the doorway. I whipped around, cheeks burning.

Then the scent hit me.

"Ugh." I wave Clint and Nat away. "Can you two just, not? when you've just mated? It's quite overpowering."

Everyone chuckled again.

"C'mon," Bruce motioned out the door of my bedroom. "Fury needs us all for a meeting. Hill's replacement."

I groaned and pulled myself onto my feet. The team troops through my apartment and into the tiny elevator, squeezing together. This isn't the first time, however, so we have a system. Peter latches onto the ceiling, Wanda contorts herself into a tiny ball of a person in the corner, and everyone else squishes together. It's not a great system. But it had never failed.

We piled into the conference room now, taking up every single chair, no more, no less.

"Now," Fury started. As an alpha, he had probably already assessed the room. Clint was clearly not in a rut, and there was no desperate pheromone cloud suggesting anyone was in a heat. "As you all know, Agent Hill has taken her maternity leave. As she is your handler, we are assigning a temp to take her place, for now. Remember, he has not been made aware of the . . . situation."

Our designations.

But I didn't even have the time to get mad about the stupid classified piece of our lives, because just then the most gorgeous alpha I had ever seen in my entire life walked into the room.

His brown hair flowed like a waterfall down to his shoulders. He looked weary, worn down, but the deep, suggestive smile lines framing his luscious, plump lips betrayed his true demeanor. His eyes were a dark, storm-fed blue and they hit me like the hurricane they suggested. His jawline was sharp enough to slice bread, and his cheekbones were something from a frickin' dream.

And that was just the top eight inches of his body. We're not even going to get into the rest of it.

His scent was delicious, a strong smell of fresh mountain air.

I nearly whimpered, but kept it to myself. At some point the alpha had began talking, probably introducing himself, but I had completely spaced out. As I took a quick glance around I table, I knew people had noticed.

All I heard was the very end. "Any questions?"

Clint raises his hand. "Can we get a repeat of that, 'cause Stevie was not listening at al-"

He was cut off and me and Nat both kicked him in the shins from opposite sides.

"Yes," the alpha responded, "I noticed. All you need to know is, my name is Sergeant James Barnes."

Steve, you gotta listen, man! Nat signed.

I'm sorry, but he's like something straight out of a frickin' wet dream. I responded, still in signs.

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