First "grey hairs"

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I mean, you're in a void. No buildings, no landmarks of any kind. There was a time that you two got separated

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?! (Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU?!"

After what felt like days of searching, he finally found you. You where always at least holding his hand.

The Chosen One

Couldn't think of anything, sorry.

"Tamed" The Chosen One

The Animator was browsing the Internet with his add blocker. You'd find a way to sneak onto the main screen. "(Y-Y/N)!? What are you doing here?! Get back!" Chosen whisper-yelled. Luckily the Animator was occupied with something outside of the computer and he got you to go back. You had a long talk after that.

The Dark Lord

Dark is an evil tyrant who has destroyed countless websites just for the fun of it. As soon as someone discovered that you were daughter, you basically became a walking target to everyone who wanted to stop her or get revenge. (Also, a LOT of people mistook Chosen for your Dad, but you called him Uncle Chosen)

Anyway, the first time someone tried something on you was when you snuck out of the base. Someone saw you and as soon as they recognized you they slowly crept up to you. They grabbed you from behind and tried to run off. Luckily Dark was getting worried a went looking for you. She arrived just in the nick of time.

Let's just say that that stick was hit with enough force to destroy the whole internet and leave it at there before things get ugly

The Second Coming

Note to self: Keep (Y/N) away from the eraser before she hurts someone or herself again. Sec wrote in his note book


"(Y/N)! (Y/N) THOSE ARE FRIENDLY!!!" She yelled running towards you and a zombie




Where do I even begin?


"Child... why do you like chewing on my diamond hoe?"

Purple (pre-redemption)

You sneezed. You sneeze once. Didn't matter that you were sniffing the pepper shaker in the kitchen because Purple was already holding you in his arms speeding towards the doctor.

He's just a little overprotective. After the doctor insisted that you were ok Purple took you back home.

Although he put a few guards by your room just to be safe

Purple (post-redemption)

See Chosen's

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