Good boi Dark catch up

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Good boi Dark (Male)
Tries to be tough but has the personality of a puppy

Finding you

He and Chosen were exploring the Internet when he heard a soft cry. He followed the sound to find a small baby. She looked like she was on the verge of death. You know well and good what the cinnamon roll did next


Princess, sweetie

Who babysits

Chosen obviously

First words

Oh boy the tears of joy that were shed

First "grey hairs"

Idk where to begin

Reader-Chan turns 5

Sappy (sad happy)

Kids are fricking stupid

No one really knows who's dumber

When you're sick

He starts over reacting and thinks you're dying. Chosen has to help Dark pull himself together and take care of you. Also snuggle time


You, Uncle Chosen, and Dark sit in bed and watch Disney movies together

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